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I am researching John Shea and Catherine Early , (3rd great grandfather and grandmother).  Family members whom have passed on did state that they both were born in County Kerry Ireland and married there.  They immigrated, (no choice of there own) to New Brunswick about 1828- 1830.  Thier son Timothy was born in 1831 St. John, New Brunswick and Baptised there in 1832, St. Malachy's Church.  Due to a great fire there all records where distroyed.

Also they had another son named Ambrose (but went by the name of Patrick) Shea born in New Brunswick.  A daughter Mary Ann born in Boston, MA. 

Also, I am trying to find travel records from Kerry to Newfoundland Area (Brunswick, Nova Scotia).  The family story is they where told to leave by the landlords at that time and sent to Newfoundland Area. If there are area's in which I could research this that would be so helpful in my search.

 They moved to Boston, MA about 1836 which was there final destination, moving between South Boston, Somerville and Cambridge MA.  I am wondering if there would be any marriage and/or birth records for John Shea (O'Shea) and Catherine Early for about (birth )1805 - 1815, marriage about 1825- 1830 in this parish.  I have been told that Early is a very old name within County Kerry.  

I am new to this website and not sure how to go about this?  I can tell you that John did have a sister named Mary of which I found in US Census records.

Any help?

Thank you 

Thursday 31st Oct 2013, 01:45PM

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