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Hello, looking for any information on the Brick family. My Grandfather was Patrick Brick, born 1870. he married Catherine Culloty in New York in 1901. His father was also a Patrick, He married Mary Houran in 1865. I have some information on the family but would like to share my info. and learn more about them. I think that some Bricks live in the area.(gurrane) Any help would be greatly appreciated.   Barry Brick

Saturday 25th Oct 2014, 04:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Barry:

    The online Irish phone book  has 26 brick entries for Co. Kerry

    I found a 1901 census record in Garraun townland for an older Patrick brick but he had a very young wife and son. Did your elder Patrick marry twice?…

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Oct 2014, 05:16PM
  • Hi Barry,

    Following on from your enquiry of 25/10/14.and given the few details which you have stated, I have a strong belief that I am a relation of yours ?

    I have been seeking relatives from my late fathers side who imegrated to USA /Australia and N Z during the period 1850's - 1920's.

    If you look up (on this site) a query from a lady named Trish relating to O'Connor/Teahan/Bowler/Courtney of 5/1/2013, and in particular to my reply  ref. MB of 30/07/2013 and again of 1/08/2013 and 2/08/ will find some references to a brick family which may be of interest to you.

    You will also find my email address -

    ps I have a descendants chart etc relative to my Brick family, which I will gladly share with you on receipt of your email address.

    Sunday 26th Oct 2014, 08:12PM

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