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My name is John Hayes and I was told this site may be able to help me with my search.  I’m searching for information on my great great grandmother, children and husband.

Her married name was Catherine Hayes. Information on her headstone in Canada says she died in 1878 at the age of 88 which would make her birth date 1790. On her headstone, it says she was a native of  Kerry Ireland.

She came to Canada with three boys Thomas, Patrick and James in 1827. No husband arrived in Canada but her husband and/or other children could have died during the voyage. I believe her maiden name was Hurley but I have found some conflicting information. See info below about the birth of two Catherine Hurley’s and a catholic marriage which I believe to be hers. Her first son, Thomas named his first son Cornelius which I’m told was an Irish tradition should have been his father’s name.
The 1851 Canadian census has her listed as a widow.  From that census, Thomas would have been born in 1810. James and Patrick were born in 1817 and 1821. There were a lot of years between children which I can’t explain.

Could you please help me and confirm which Catherine Hurley had at least three children and married Cornelius Hayes? See info below.

Catherine Hurley, born May 22, 1792 (Based on other Info), Killarney, Father – Timothy Hurley, Mother – Ellen Counihan, Sponsor1 – Dermot Hagan, Sponsor2 – Mary Shea.  Record Identifier#  KY-RC-BA-293145

Catherine Hurley, born May 8, 1791, Killarney, Father – Timothy Hurley, Mother – Ellen Connor, Sponsor1 –Daniel Hogan, Sponsor2 – Mary Shea. Record Identifier# KY-RC-BA-293112

Marriage, Cornelius Hayes of Laharn and Catherine Hurley on nov 22, 1808. Whitness1 – Thomas Hurley, Whitness2 –John Hayes Record Identifier# KY-RC-HA-62163.
I know for sure three boys came with her to New Brunswick, Canada. Since there are a lot of years between birth dates other children could have been born. Some believe there is a mistake on the marriage record and Hurley’s were from Laharn, not Cornelius Hayes.
Thanks in advance. My email address is

John Hayes

Thursday 6th Nov 2014, 07:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear John

    Apologies for the very long delay in getting back to you. Did you manage to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 6th Jul 2015, 03:53PM
  • Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 01:41PM

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