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Hi Sylvia,

I have only joined this group and I believe your family the Guihan/Geehans of Dooaghs (Dooks) Killorglin, Co Kerry are related to the same family that I am searching.

I am searching a Michael Geehan of Dooaghs Commons, Dooks, Co. Kerry who married Mary Bowler (1st wife) in 1868 & Margaret Moriarty 1888. I think my Michael Geehan is an uncle of your William, in that, Michael was a brother of Williams father, hope I haven't confused you !  Was your William's father name Darby (Jeremiah) by any chance ?

I am sure of the connection, just to see which side it is as all the names were carried with the children right through so difficult to see who is who!

Kind regards,





Tuesday 22nd Nov 2016, 08:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 22nd Nov 2016, 09:17PM
  • Dear Ann

    It is good to hear from you. I believe we may well be talking about the same family. From my research of 'Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881' records I found the birth records of my grandfather William Geehan showing his date of birth as 19 May 1874 and his father's name as Jeremiah Geehan and his mother's name as Julia Bowler.

    I also found records of some of their other children John, Mary, Michael (born 29 April 1879), Catherine, Jeremiah, Timothy, and Julia Geehan. 

    The 1901 Census records for  Dooaghs Commons  record:

    House 5 - Jeremiah (57) and Julia (47) Geehan living with 4 of their children, William (27), Kate (18), Abby (16), Julia (9). Jeremiah must have been born around 1844.

    House 4 - Michael (60) and Margaret (40) Geehan are living with 2 children, Ellen (11) and Jeremiah (9).

    The ages and the location of their homes suggest that Jeremiah and Michael could indeed have been brothers.

    The 1911 Census for Dooaghs Commons records:

    House 7 - Margaret Guihan is now 52 and the head of the house. She is living with her son Jeremiagh aged 19.

    House 6 - Jeremiagh Guihan now 71 and Julia 61 are living with Catherine aged 28 and Julia aged 20.

    House 8 - is the home of my grandparents William and Mary Guihan, aged 36 and 31 and their first 2 children, Jeremiagh aged 2 and Mary 1. This Mary is my aunt and I knew her as Aunty May, a very sweet and lovely woman who came to Australia with her husband John Barry and 2 sons not long after my parents emigrated in 1955.

    I would be very interested in any information you have found about the Guihans.

    Best wishes

    Sylvia Petrony

    NB We are hoping to visit Ireland again in September or October 2017.


    Guihan / Geehan / Leahy / Sullivan family

    Friday 25th Nov 2016, 06:00AM
  • Hi Sylvia,

    From this detail, it would confirm that Michael & your great grandfather Jeremiah are brothers.  Your great grandfather Jeremiah & your great grandmother Julia had 9 children including your grandfather William.  Outside of William, there was Mary (1872), John 1876, Michael 1879, Kate (Catherine) 1882, Gubby (Gobnet) 1885, Jeremiah 1887, Timothy 1889 & Julia 1892. I have birth certs and marriage cert if you do not have them already let me know. You mention your aunt Mary (May as she was known).  If you would like to pass over any photos or other information, I would be delighted but if not, I understand. My email address has been left with this site if you would rather send images this way.  Keep in touch !



    Friday 25th Nov 2016, 05:25PM
  • Dear Ann, thank you for such a quick response. I would love to have copies of any birth or marriage certificates you have. Sadly I don't have any photos of my family while in Ireland, but can provide some of my mother, Julia and May/Mary from England and Australia. I think email may be a bit easier, can you send me yours (I couldn't find it from the website). My preferred email address is

    Thank you for your help.




    Guihan / Geehan / Leahy / Sullivan family

    Saturday 26th Nov 2016, 11:05PM
  • Dear Ann, we are looking forward to our visit in summer 2019. I have been checking my mother’s extended family records but I am confused by the various names used for seemingly the same people.

    Starting with my mother, she was known to us as Julia and this is her name on the original birth/baptism certificate I have from St James, Killorglin, Kerry. However her sister Mary/May called her Sheila? (Mum said that Sheila was Irish for Julia).

    On my grandparents’ marriage record for 27 February 1908 (from Irish Geneology), my mother’s mum, Mary Leahy’s parents are recorded as being Thadeus Leahy and Johanna Sullivan. (Mum told me her grandmother was Bridget Sullivan and her grandfather was Timothy. However, I believe Thadeus translates to Timothy.) Is there a link between the names Johanna and Bridget?

    Mary’s home is recorded as Coomclohane and I believe she was born on 31 May 1874.

    Mum’s dad is also recorded on the marriage record as being Gerald Geehan. I have only heard him referred to as William. On baptism records of their first 2 children Jeremiah on 20 December 1908 and Mary on 27 March 1910, he is also called Gerald. On my mother’s  birth and baptismal certificate her father is William Guihan and mother, Mary Leahy.

    The Marriage record states Gerald’s mother is Julia Bowler.

    Assuming Gerald is my grandfather William, the marriage record suggests I have ancestors in the Leahy, Bowler and Sullivan families. Does this sound reasonable to you? I would appreciate your advice re what seems to be different names for seemingly the same people?

    Kind regards, Sylvia 



    Guihan / Geehan / Leahy / Sullivan family

    Monday 31st Dec 2018, 09:28PM
  • Hi Sylvia,

    It is great to hear from you and I am looking forward to seeing you again in 2019 hopefully ! Hope you and Ken are keeping well.

    I will take a look at the above and come back to you. Yes, it is very possible that the name they were born/registered with is not the name they would have been known as.  This has happened with my own ancestors ! I will send my reply via my personal email.

    Talk soon & take care,

    Kind regards,





    Sunday 13th Jan 2019, 09:16PM

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