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Is anyone looking for these familes?


Brian G. Andersson, New York City


Tuesday 26th Jul 2016, 06:04PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome!

    If you use the message board search functionality at the top of the page you can see if there are other relevant messages

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 27th Jul 2016, 09:57AM
  • I am doing my husband's family Sullivan/O'Sullivan. My husband's  father, Daniel Sullivan was born on 27 May 1886 to Daniel Sullivan & Johanna Coffey. He had a sister Margaret, & brothers Michael & John older then he & a brother Patrick younger. Daniel came to Australia in 1908 & a brother ( Michael or John) went to America or Canada about the same time with their uncle Timothy Coffey.

    Yvonne O

    Saturday 13th Aug 2016, 12:44AM
  • Hi Brian,

    I believe we may have talked when I lived in NY.  I am now back in Killorglin.  Contact me at

    Mary Taylor

    Thursday 5th Dec 2019, 11:30PM

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