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If I'm correct in my research, Ellen Flahive(Flahiff) is/was my great great grandaunt. She married Patrick Bynane on February 9,1861 in Castlegregory. Together they had at least six children Mary, Edmond, Johanna, and Michael all born when the family lived in Cappananee; Ellen born in Carrigaha and Bridget born in Duagh.All births in a range from 1862 to 1870. To date, I believe that I've found one marriage for Johanna; she married John Begley and they had one surviving child, Mary born in April of 1901. I think that I've found Johanna, Mary and John Begley living with Patrick Bynane( listed as a widower) in both the 1901 and 1911 census records for Duagh, Deelis in Kerry. Other than the birth records for the other Bynane children, I have found no indication as to their fate ...I'd like to determine if there are living descendants of any of the Bynane family; I'd like to determine when Ellen Flahive died and when Patrick Bynane her husband died. I'd also like to determine whether Mary Begley ever married ...I'd also like to dtermine what happened to the other Bynane siblings of Johanna Bynane Begley.


Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 05:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • KerryOkie:

    Welcome back!

    I located the likely civil death index records for Ellen and Patrick which are below. You can get copies for around 4 euros from the General Register Office.

    I checked the online Irish phone book (which is only a partial listing) and there were no Bynanes in Co. Kerry.

    Roger McDonnell


    First name(s)EllenLast nameBynaneBirth year1832Age at death60Registered year1892Registered quarter/yearJan - Mar 1892Registration districtDingleVolume5Page208

    First name(s)PatrickLast nameBYNANEBirth year1825Age at death90Registered year1915Registered quarter/yearApr - Jun 1915Registration districtDingleVolume5Page155

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Jan 2016, 05:57PM
  • hi there, im also following the bynane family tree. Were are you from?

    Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 07:10PM
  • Hi there and happy Easter,

    I have yet to do enough research on the Bynane family to know if any of them actually emigrated but my family moved from the Dingle peninsula to various communities in western Massachusetts; Holyoke, Springfield and environs...that area of Massachusetts is where I grew up..


    Sunday 27th Mar 2016, 03:31PM
  • hi there,

    im a fifth generation of the bynane family, the old house of my great great great grand father is still standing of which i am the owner, i have land deed going back when the  bynane family bought land from the english one hundred years on april 4th this year.

    i have followed back on my dads side back to 1853, but have come across Patrick and ellen too of which i must see if there is a connection to both families. there was nine houses in the the townland of cappananane, which my owned by a english landlord " Augustus Yielding" from Co.Limerick.

    What is your family name? are your looking into Bynane or Flahive or both?


    Monday 28th Mar 2016, 01:06PM
  • hi there,

    I have found out that Patrick Bynane Lived from 1825 to 1915 aged 90 and Ellen ( flahive ) Bynane lived from1832 to 1892 aged 60. Its was other bynane family that moved to usa a Margaret and James bynane from inchaloughra Castlegregory not cappananee. But you would have to check up ellis island records to confirm this. As far as Johanna married John Begley in 1862, had a daughter Mary in 1901 cant find any detail owuld have to go to church records to get more information.

    Monday 28th Mar 2016, 06:50PM
  • Thanks, Brendie....I am researching both Bynane and Flahive since they are connected families...Oftentimes, I learn more about my direct line by researching the lines of siblings...I am an O'Connor by birth and both of my great grandparents were Connor/O'Connor....My great grandmother was Catherine O'Connor daughter of Martin and Mary Flahive(Flahiff) of Caher near to Castlegregory. Ellen Flahive was married to Patrick Bynane...One of the witnesses to that marriage was Martin Connor/O'Connor....I can also be reached at if you'd like to discuss directly....thanks for your replies...


    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 09:55AM
  • Forgot to you live in Eire ? I still live in would be nice to learn of an actual family connection, even a distant one since you know so much about the family...I'll check Ellis Island but that's only helpful from 1892 forward....

    My original reason for researching this line of my family was that I had been talking to an elderly cousin who was a pre-teenager when Catherine O'Connor was still alive...that cousin remembers Catherine talking about her family at least one of whom emigrated to New Zealand( found her) and still another or more emigrated to upper New York State here in the US.( Don't know who?)..Neither of Catherine's parents Martin nor Mary Flahive O'Connor appear in the 1901 census so they either died or emigrated....None of the Connor/O'Connor family are in the 1901 census....My great grandmother and a brother Martin emigrated to western Massachusetts; a sister Mary emigrated to New Zealand but the fate of the parents and the other siblings who lived( Honora, Michael and Cornelius) remain a mystery. I had hoped that by checking on Mary Flahive's siblings I might find a clue regaring the O'Connor family...Still looking..


    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 10:17AM
  • Here's something of interest, I think...I found a James Bynane, born about 1880 who was from Castlegregory according to a NY Passenger list dated in 1902...His final destination was to a sister Nora Bynane in Holyoke, MA...Nora lived at 425 Maple street which is only a short distance from where I grew up....There is also a later record of a Margaret Bynane born about 1883 who also traveled to Holyoke, MA according to a Boston Passenger list in April of 1909. Listed as her nearest relative in Ireland was a Jeremiah Bynane...None of these names are associated with the Bynane family whom I am seeking but if they lived in the same general vicinity in Ireland, perhaps there was some kind of connection...


    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 12:17PM
  • Hi there,
    Ya still live in CO.Kerry southern Ireland. James and Margaret from.a different line, but Patrick married to Ellen fahive I think he might be a brother to my great great grand father but must confirm this in church records if possible. But some records were destroyed by the Easter rising etc so il see what il find out. You welcome pleased to meet you. Brendan Bynane on Facebook.

    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 08:49AM
  • Hello Brendan, as I mentioned previously, Martin Connor/O'Connor my great great grandfather was most likely a witness at the marriage of Patrick and Ellen .....I sent you a friend request and a message via facebook....the message will most likely appear in "other messages" rather than in your inbox....if I read it correctly you and I also share a birthday although I probably have had it longer than any event, pleased to meet you and I hope that we can make the connection....I have cousins from other lines of the family who live in only time there I caused a bit of a traffic problem being unfamiliar with the streets...


    Thursday 31st Mar 2016, 10:25AM
  • Hello, I've been tracing my Irish family and have discovered that Bridget Bynane (Born 14 Jan 1870, Duagh, Kerry, married Daniel Sullivan on the 24th Feb, 1846, Castlegregory) is my great, great, great grandmother.  I'd be really happy to hear if anyone knows about their lives or is indeed related too?

    Julie Herbert

    Friday 13th Sep 2019, 06:58PM
  • Hello Julie, can you clarify the date of marriage? It appears to have been before Bridget was born. In any event, if my research is correct, Bridget was a first cousin 3 times removed.  





    Saturday 14th Sep 2019, 07:32PM

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