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i was in dublin ucd the other day and they were informing me about you over there in ballybunion 

and as they were talking i recall my brother going on hoilidays there and the photographs he took of themselves down on the sandy beach shore and the cliffs in the background 

and i began to wonder to myself about the geological formation of the said beach which from memory i recall they were informing me was 315 million years old and had the ross sandstone formation and gull formation along with a few others made of sandstone mainly

yeah they mentioned a base formation of very big sandstone overspill that starts the formation and i pondered and postulated that this must the heaviest load the current had to bear and due to this fact it started offloading the heaviest material it was carrying at this spot before carrying the lighter and finer grained material further on the rivers freshwater journey to the pre atlantean salt water ocean system then present (anyone who knows the name of this ocean let me know by return)   

and i asked myself could they name me any other riverine source from whence the sandstone could come from and be offloaded in such a vast quantity bar the grand canyon river source in the united states of america 

and they named three other sources of possible origin i think on the east coast of america  

so i was wondering has anyone down your way analysed the sandstone content to see if it could match the grand canyon riverine system sandstone content or any of the other riverine deltas on the continent of america that they mentioned so that we could pinpoint with some degree of accuracy where ballybunion was 315 million years ago on the east coast of america 

and when someone discovers this origin i myself may take a stroll along the beach of ballybunion to wonder why i am not on americas shore  

i forgot to mention they also mentioned some fossils in the layers some marine creature called a goniatites i think and i was informed that they can only survive in marine saltwater enviornments so obviously as one comes acroos these formations the ocean had swept in over the sand and deposited these creatures on the formation and then the sand from the riverine system (the grand canyon to be confirmed) swept over them and left a pile of sand over them which leachs down the minerals into the moulds left by the creatures and forms the fossils that can be seen today  

liam hua duinn

Sunday 1st Feb 2015, 10:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Thanks William

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 09:47AM

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