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Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - KILGARVAN

Baptism of JEREMIAH FOULOW of SLAGHTS on 19 May 1848

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More search optionsNameJEREMIAH FOULOWDate of Birth19 May 1848 (BASED ON OTHER DATE INFORMATION)AddressSLAGHTSFatherDENIS FOULOWMotherMARY SULLIVANFurther details in the recordChild DenominationRCFather OccupationNRSponsor 1PATRICK SULLIVANSponsor 1 AddressNRSponsor 2MARGARET FOULOWSponsor 2 AddressNRPriestNRAbout the recordBook NumberPageEntry NumberRecord_IdentifierN/RN/R15KY-RC-BA-288083


Tuesday 2nd Apr 2013, 07:06AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Donna,

    Thank you for your message and for sharing this on the Kilgarvan message board.

    Just to clarify, is there a specific query concerning Jeremiah that we may be able to assist you with?

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 20th May 2013, 10:52AM

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