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My name is Mary Schroeder (nee Sullivan).  My grandfather was Timothy Sullivan of Kilgarvan, Kerry.  His parents were John Sullivan and Ellen Sullivan (nee Sullivan).  He was born January 1, 1880 and immigrated to New York in the early 1900’s.  I have been unable to find the exact date.

He came from a large family and his brother and sister’s names were: James, John, Jerry, Philip, Mary, Hannah, Katie, Julia, Margaret, Dan, and Ellie.  I believe there were 14 brothers and sister but I don’t have the other names and I believe there were a set of twins and perhaps two sets of twins.

I know that Julia and Hannah immigrated to New York in 1904 and that James, and Philip, also immigrated to New York for sure.  Perhaps John, Jerry, Margaret and Katie immigrated to New York also but I’m not positive and my Dad said that some aunt or uncles of his return back to Ireland.

About 15 years ago a cousin of mine visited Kilgarvan and tried to find family but was unable to find family as there were many Sullivans and she didn’t have too many names.  However, leaving Kilgarvan, she stopped to take a photo of a statue and an older gentleman stopped by to talk to her.  It the course of the conversation he said the only Timothy Sullivan he knew that immigrated to New York had married a French woman, which turned out to be my Grandmother Eugene.

I knew my Grandfather pretty well as he died when I was 16.  He like my grandmother were both Roman Catholic and he was very religious.  It was very strange as he had a brogue and Grandma had this thick French accent.  I never thought to ask him about Ireland and I only remember meeting his brother James and his sister Hannah.

My Dad told me that when Grandpa came to New York he stayed with his Aunts whose names were: Katie, Bessie, Margaret and Nona.  I believe one of the Aunts joined a convent.  I guess Aunt Nona and Aunt Katie lived together and Aunt Margaret had a husband and a baby but both died.

I have 18 cousins still alive that are grandchildren of Timothy and I am in touch with quite a few of them.  There are many great grandchildren and still many great- great grandchildren.

I would love to find family that currently lives in Ireland and also learn about those that Grandpa left behind.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Mary Sullivan Schroeder

Wednesday 31st Jul 2013, 04:28AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mary,

    Thank you very much for your message and for sharing this. No doubt this will be very helpful to others researching the same family! I hope that someone with information makes a connection with you and helps you to further your research.

    Have you tried looking in the 1901/1911 census records to see if you can find any information on Timothy's siblings or parents? These are available online here:

    It may be a good idea to contact the local parish priest also for some possible assistance. He may know something of any Sullivans still living in the area or he may know of someone in the community that may be able to help. Here is a link to the contact page:

    I hope that he is able to give you some assistance or advice. Also, hopefully we will have some volunteers in Kilgarvan in the near future-as we are continually growing you shouldn?t have to wait too long!

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 31st Jul 2013, 02:24PM
  • Mary:

    In case you did not find the family in the 1901 and 1911 censuses, the records are below. They lived in Cappanlivane townland. They had 11 children.

    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 31st Jul 2013, 02:40PM

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