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My Great Grandfather Timothy Galvin is buried in the Galvin Mausoleum in Derrynane Cemetry along with his Father Mortimer (1820-1900) and his Siblings.

He has no visible marker stone but he was followed to his grave in 1927 by the Great and Good of Munster in 30 cars (newspaper cutting).

Does anyone know please of local undertakers familiar with this grave or having old records?

Some of the occupants were "of Liss House". I cannot find a Liss House today. Any idea's please?

Does the Derrynane Burial list prior to March 1964 survive please? I cannot trace it.




Patrick Sunderland.



Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 09:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • There's a townland named 'Liss' in the area, it's located to the east of Caherdaniel. The c1890 OSI maps show a Liss cottage in this townland - see : this link  There are three Galvin households listed for this townland on the 1911 census - see : here

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 10:13AM
  • has 12 burial records for the name Timothy Galvin.

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 01:14PM
  • this is a VERY difficult website to deal with!  It has taken me 4 tries to be able to write in this field!! Why do I bother?

    Back to what I wanted to say - how large an area was Derrynane?  I have ancestors, John Grady and Bridget Moran who were married there in 1846 or so. Her brother, Denis Moran, married Bridget Galvin.  Wonder if it is the same family?

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 01:28PM
  • There are two adjacent townlands named Darrynane in Kilcrohane civil parish, Darrynane Beg which is just over 600 acres and Darrynane More just over 400 acres. The 1st Edition OSI maps dating from c1837 show a chapel in Ruins in Darrynane Beg townland here, and a newer chapel a short distance to the east in Caherdaniel here , the RC parish for the area is usually referred to as Caherdaniel.

    I suspect the parish may have known locally as Derrynane/Darrynane after the older chapel, for a while after it was replaced.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 02:19PM
  • I found that marriage you mentioned o the free IrishGenealogy website - as follows :

    Parish : Caherdaniel RC (Kerry)
    Marriage : John Gready and Bridget Moran
    Date : 25 January 1844
    Groom's address : Darrynane / (no address mentioned for the bride)
    Priest : Patrick O'Connell
    Witness : John Roche

    see this link (you may have to enter a captcha security code to view this transcript)

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 02:32PM
  • Thank you, Shane.  I hadn't realized that Darrynane and Caherdaniel were so close together, either.  I also seem to find people in the latter.  Who knows maybe some day I will actually close in on where these ancestors of mine are from!! Sue

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 02:34PM
  • Hi, John Grady and Bridget Moran had two daughters in Ireland, presumably Darrynane?  Mary was born about 1846 and Ellen 1848.  I can't find record of their births - can you?  (they then moved to Wales and had more children).  Sue

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 02:46PM
  • Dear shanew147,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I've looked at both Townlands in the DED's of Caherdaniel and Castlegrove or Liss. Of the three Galvins in the 28 house numbers at Liss on the Census 1911, the first, Jeremiah is my Great Uncle, Timothy Galvins brother.

    The Map you have introduced me to is fascinating. All I have is the modern 1:50,000. I will look in greater detail later. There is in fact a Liss Cottage for sale at the moment. Whether its's the same one I will see.




    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 03:47PM
  • Dear byegonedays,

    Thanks very much for your reply. I've been chasing Galvins through the Censi and elsewhere for three years. But I'm beginning to get somewhere now.



    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 03:50PM
  • Dear Sehaines,

    Oh I do agree with you! It's waiting to bite if you make one wrong move.

    Derrynane is not large. Look for Abbey Island where the cemetary is and O'Connel The Liberators House nearby.

    Bridget is a common Irish name, I have two in my Family. I don't think on the current evidence that we are related but thanks very much for your reply.



    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 03:57PM
  • Dear shanew147,

    You need to look down and slightly west to the coast to see Abbey Island in Derrynane Bay.

    Google Derrynane Cemetary and look at Wikipedia. The Green and White object is the Galvin Tomb.

    The Chapel is 12C or so if I remember right.

     I will take a look at the Chapels you mention next year.




    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 04:06PM
  • Keep us updated on your progress Patrick!

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 02:16PM
  • Dear Clare,
    I'm now certain that the "Liss Cottage" shown on OS ie Maps since 1842 is the one built by the Jermyn Family in about 1822 (the Liss Cottage currently for sale is a later edition in the village of Castlecove). As the Jermyns left for Canada in about 1885 it could be my ancestral home.

    The Census have been helpful: my G. Uncle Jeremiah owned but didn't run the village Pub in Castlecove so there might still be a Galvin presence in Castlecove. I will ask when I call in for a drink next year!

    I will telephone a local Undertaker soon to see if there is still any local knowledge about the Derrynane Tomb. The last known (to me that is) burial being in 1964.


    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 10:39PM
  • Have a look at this link it has a few photos of your ancestors grave

    Monday 7th Aug 2017, 07:37PM

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