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I am looking for a Crohan Shea born about 1835 who was an early Irish immigrant to New Haven, CT.  From irishgenealogy he appears to have come from Caherdaniel which I guess is Kilcrohane.  He married a Margaret Heyes.  My ancestors, Shea and Moran, lived with or near him when they came to New Haven,CT

Wednesday 13th Nov 2013, 10:01PM

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  • I believe that they married in New Haven, CT, but I haven't really found marriage records from there.  In the 1860 census they were listed as Crohan Shea and Margaret Heyes which suggests that they weren't married?  By 1870 they were Crohn and Margaret Shea with several children.They were both born in Ireland (according the censuses). Crohan was in New Haven in 1858. He died about 1884 in New haven.  She moved to Hartford, CT and I have "lost" her.

     The Derrynane reference is curious because I have also been searching for a Bridget Moran and John Grady, who seem to be closely associated with Sheas, who were married in Derrynane.  A Crohan born in 1841 is a bit late and the only explanation I would have for a marriage there would be that this "Nora" died? and he came to New Haven?

    Thank you enormously for looking on my behalf.  Sue

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 01:07PM

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