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My earliest known ancestor was Edward/Edmund O'Connell of Gale parish. He married Francis Wall in 1795 and they had at least three sons. One baptismal record exists for a Richard O'Connell in 1802 and then there is my great great great grandfather James O'Connell born in 1800 and his brother Maurice born circa 1813. James was a leaseholder of a large portion of Lahardane Townland in Killehenny parish and Maurice emigrated to Australia. I don't know what happened to Richard. Family Lore says we are the O'Connells of Ballyegan and before that of Causeway and Riverton but we do not know any names of the generations previous to Edward.

There was an Edward O'Connell living in Ballyegan in the 1830's, married to Bridget Costelloe and I would like to find out about his ancestry as he may very well be of our family.

Saturday 1st Dec 2012, 12:04AM

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  • I also would like to learn more about Edward O'Connell and Bridget Costelloe circa 1830.  I've searched a long time for our family with no luck....

    I'm looking for my family with an Edmund/ Edward Connell and Brdget ? , who also had a family in the 1830's-1840's.  They moved to NB, Canada sometime between 1847 and 1852 but the father, Edmund (sr.) died along the way. The known children were Margaret, John, David, Edmund jr, and Ellen, all born from about 1833-1847.  Fairly sure they were from Kerry but that's not 100%.  Even though there are a lot of Bridgets I am not finding too many in online resouces that are married to an Edmund, and none so far with  children named David  and Edmund.  The other names are much more common so I am focused on those two names for now.

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 04:05AM
  • Edward O'Connell of Ballyegan and Bridget Costelloe's children were Catherine 1831, Margaret 1832, Honora 1833, Joanna 1838 and Robert 1841. They do seem to be the only Edward and Bridget on record in Kerry of the right age but their children don't seem to match yours.

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 04:53AM
  • Co. Kerry is a black hole for records unless you are lucky enough to have relatives who came from a hadfull of locations.  Anytime I see A David Connell show up I just hope I will find that his parents were Bridget and Edmund..  There are little areas that intrigue me.  Valencia has a large group of Connells with many of the names I am interested in, as does Causeway, and Trelee.  Valencia records are not on-line as far as I know.

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 06:21AM
  • has BDM records for Valencia from 1823 onwards. There is a family tree on that has the family you're talking about at New Brunswick but the father is named Michael Edmund O'Connell. He may have gone by Edmund, his middle name, but appear in the records as Michael.

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 06:35AM
  • Thanks for the link Sean.  I will look at it.   I have seen this website before though and have not found anything that looked too promising.

    That tree on ancestry is mine.  The fathers name is a little hard to figure but Edmund is my best guess.  We have a lot of nice information in some ways but missing details in important areas.

    Wednesday 12th Dec 2012, 03:04PM
  • Hello, Sean.I believe I am descended from Edmund O'Connell and  Bridget Costello of Ballyegan. Their daughter Catherine married Martin Griffin approximately 1853. They subsequently resided in Ballyegan. Catherine died in 1877, Martin in 1909. Martin was born in a place called Dromlin, which is near Ballybunion They had a number of children: Denis Griffin was my great-grandfather. He married Ellen Allen of Trippul. Their family emigrated to Hoboken, New Jersey around 1910. Nora Griffin married a man named King. They resided in Inch and had a large famiy. Some of their descendents reside in Affouley. Catherine Griffin married John Lynch. They also resided in Affouley and Inch. One of their sons emigrated to New York City. The rest went to England.


    Robert O'Connell married a lady named Moriarity. They emigrated to Ohio. I have no other information.

    And I have no other information on the other children of Edmund and Bridget.

    We've visited Ballyegan three times, the last occasion in 2000.

    May I ask how you know Catherine Connell was born in 1831. I have never been able to find her baptism records.


    The Ballybunion parish records are available on line. They are perfectly indexed and searchable by townland.


    I have a lot of information of these families in the vicinity of Ballybunion. If you'd be interested I can mail them via the post office, as they are not electronic: Connell; Griffin; Allen; Linnane.



    Thursday 7th Nov 2013, 09:21PM

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