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I and my cousin wish to visit the cemetry in October as Admiral Sylverius Moriarty's wife aunts and mother were buried there according to their daughters letter the Admiral was buried at St finbarrs in Cork I undersstand some of the older graves were moved in the 1960s Lydia Moriarty was buried in 1804 and Her mother in law in about1760 Can you let me know if there are any gravestones there or approx where they were reburied regards Elsie Ritchie

Tuesday 3rd Mar 2015, 09:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Elsie:

    I would suggest you contact the church directly. There is a phone number but I don't see an e-mail address.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 3rd Mar 2015, 10:07PM
  • I attended this lecture. You my wish to contact Dr Brosnan for more INFO

    ADMIRAL SYLVERIUS MORIARTY  An illustrated lecture by Dr Conor Brosnan

    Dr Conor Brosnan is a GP working in Dingle. He is interested in 18th century and early 20th century Irish history. He has researched Admiral Moriarty in local libraries, the National Archives in Dublin and London, the National Maritime Museum, London, University College Dublin and met some of his descendents. He recently completed a paper on Grave Robbing and the Hand of Glory in Ireland.



    Monday 27th Jul 2015, 03:08PM

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