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Looking for information on the family of Patrick Moran and Mary Sheehy who married in Ballinaboula, Dingle in 1857.  A few of their children (Mary (1860), Dennis (1867) and maybe Bridget) came to Massachusetts while the rest stayed in Dingle.  Would love to know if I can get back another generation with Patrick's and Mary's parents or of any of their descendants still in Ireland.  Their daughter Joanna married James Dowd.

Sunday 4th Jan 2015, 01:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Elissha:

    I went to which is a free Irish government site which has Co. Kerry church records. I found the 1857 marriage and baptismal records for seven children and the marriage record for Johannah. Maybe you already visited this site.

    I searched for Patrick Moran in Dingle church records and the earliest record I found was the 1857 marriage. According to a resource book I have, Dingle records go back to 1821. Possibly Patrick was baptized in another church nearby such as Ballyferriter which is about 4 kilometers further out on the Dingle Penisula.

    This summer the National Library plans to place the RC parish registers online for free searching.You may want to search the Dingle records at that time.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 4th Jan 2015, 03:32PM
  • Thank you.  Yes, I found all the children and see a few baptisms of Patrick's ranging from the 1820-30's.  There are a lot to choose from.  Three listed from Ballyferriter are one in 1833 (From Killcooly, parents Patrick and Mary) then another from Blasquet in 1831 and one in 1826 from Reenconnell.  I don't know Dingle well enough to know the areas.  I know Iveragh OK, so I can rule them out.  Also others from Ballylongford, Ballybunion and Dingle.  A marriage as well.  Can't wait till this summmer!


    Sunday 4th Jan 2015, 06:58PM
  • Not all Dingle baptism records are online. The records fro 1826 to 1836 were missed during the  conversion. I have undertake the transfer from the original book to computer on behlf of the Parish priest. These records have to be released by the Bishop of Kerry when I finish the recording. I am currently up to 1832 after a years work. I'll ask if I can release and hits I may find for you. I any case there is hope on the horison.

    Jim Lenehan


    Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 04:01PM
  • Thanks Roger.  Jim that would be great, thanks for your time. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 04:08PM
  • Thanks so much for the information, it's great to know.  I would love any inforamtion you have and I appreciate the thought and extra work.

    Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 04:15PM
  • Elissha,

    I found the following records that refer to a Patrick Moran:

    2643    Moran    James    173    M    Patrick    Moran    Mary    Moran    Ballyhea    James    Moriarty    Betty    Moran    7    12    1830    

    2647    Moran    Patrick    146    M    John    Moran    Peg    Griffin    Duntees    John    Kennedy    Mary    Griffin    15    3    1830        NR
    2648    Moran    Patrick    401    M    Patrick    Moran    Catherine    Kevane    Miltown    Tom    Divane    Catherine    Lynch    27    3    1837    Rev Mr    Halpin

    READ AS:

    Rec #    Surname    First Name    Page    sex    F First    F Surname    M First     M Surname    Address    Sp First    Sp Surname    Sp First     Sp Surname    DD    MM    YYYY    Priest Title    Priest Name    Comment in Book

    Hope these help




    Monday 27th Jul 2015, 05:31PM
  • Looks like this thread has run it's course, though I thought I'd add two cents. My g-grandmother was borne in Ballynabola in 1858 (ann griffin, (f) Patrick, (m) ann nee lovett. I see Moran's and and Sheehy's on the Griffiths valuation, so they must have been neighbors of yours. The are is very pretty, with pastures and a small creek.


    Monday 7th Sep 2020, 09:56PM

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