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Looking for relatives of Johanna Dowd born around 1900-1910 in Parish of  Castlegregory.  Parents were  Thomas and Hanora.  She came to United States in her early 20's to Massachusetts.

Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 01:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    I hope these pages are of some help to you.


    I remember two families in Murirrigane, both bachalors from when I was younger, one was Martin, he had connections to Callaghans and Kerins (his mother) and the other was Michael (Micky), he had connections to Moynihans. Hope this is some help to you.

    Good Luck!!


    Tuesday 18th Jun 2013, 02:32PM
  • Thank you for your reply. I think Michael would have been Johanna's brother and Martin a cousin who lived next door.  Do you remember if Michael came to the US?  He would have been my uncle if this is the same family.

    do you know of a Marguerite Russell who now lives in Colghane. Would she also be a relative.  Thanks again.

    Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 08:17PM
  • Marguerite and my mother are great friends.

    I don't know if Micky (Michael) was in the US. I doubt it very much but I can ask my mother, see if she knows anything


    Thursday 20th Jun 2013, 07:56AM
  • Delighted to see your post! If ever you are passing through Tralee, maybe we could meet up? Have you an email I could contact you on?


    Friday 21st Jun 2013, 04:09PM
  • Hi Martine,

    ya its

    would love to meet up, I am not sure when I'll be passing next but would love to arrange some time



    Saturday 22nd Jun 2013, 08:11AM
  • Hi Johanna

    I was speaking to a local man in Cloghane and I was asking him about your Johanna Dowd. From him I gather that she married a Moore man from Brandon, John he thinks. He said she was known locally as Nellie Moore. They  had a son, a prison officer, Brendan, this man I actually remember myself. He died in 2007, an only child as far as I know and wasn't married.

    He was given a state funeral with government representives attending, it was a big event in the Parish, he is well remembered in a lot of Masses in the local church. He is buried in Baile Dubh graveyerd with his mother and his uncle Johnny, you'll find him buried under a memorial that is really spectacular.

    I have asked Mam and we don't know of any connection between Marguerite and these Dowds. Marguerite's husbands mother is Dowd and thats the only connection we can think of, but these would be different Dowds to the family you are enquiring about.

    I hope this is some help to you, I asked if Brendan had other relatives in either Cloghane or Brandon but as of yet we are drawing a blank. I really hope we find a living relative for you.

    If I get any other information I will get in touch with you again

    Best of luck and happy hunting



    Wednesday 26th Jun 2013, 06:18PM
  • Sarah, I am absolutely thrilled to see this post and thank you so much for the time you put in to do this. I so rarely get back west that I often can't help people as much as I would like to.

    Warm wishes


    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 10:36AM
  • Hi Martine

    Its no trouble, it was only a phone call!



    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 11:24AM
  • Hello Ladies,

    My great great grandmother was Catherine Dowd who married Patrick O’Neil 1834 (witnesses - Michael Dowd and Mary Fitzgerald). According to Mairead Dowd (Cloghane) my Dowds were from Murrigrane. Catherine and Patrick raised their children in Lisnacealvee. Some of their children, including my great grandmother, Mary, immigrated to Holyoke MA while apparently one or 2 of the other children headed to NZ and/or Australia. Mary married John Fitzgerald from Brandon in Holyoke which is where I grew up. There were Dowds in the Holyoke area.

    If Catherine and Patrick followed the traditional Irish naming pattern, Catherine’s parents were Michael and Mary (?) Dowd.

     My paternal grandmother’s family all came from the Brandon area. Names were Fitzgerald, Deady, O’Neil, and Dowd.

    Would love any info about any of these families and to identify whether or not my Dowds and Johanna’s are related.





    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 07:15PM
  • Hello Ladies,

    My great great grandmother was Catherine Dowd who married Patrick O’Neil 1834 (witnesses - Michael Dowd and Mary Fitzgerald). According to Mairead Dowd (Cloghane) my Dowds were from Murrigrane. Catherine and Patrick raised their children in Lisnacealvee. Some of their children, including my great grandmother, Mary, immigrated to Holyoke MA while apparently one or 2 of the other children headed to NZ and/or Australia. Mary married John Fitzgerald from Brandon in Holyoke which is where I grew up. There were Dowds in the Holyoke area.

    If Catherine and Patrick followed the traditional Irish naming pattern, Catherine’s parents were Michael and Mary (?) Dowd.

     My paternal grandmother’s family all came from the Brandon area. Names were Fitzgerald, Deady, O’Neil, and Dowd.

    Would love any info about any of these families and to identify whether or not my Dowds and Johanna’s are related.





    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 07:58PM
  • Hello Ladies,

    My great great grandmother was Catherine Dowd who married Patrick O’Neil 1834 (witnesses - Michael Dowd and Mary Fitzgerald). According to Mairead Dowd (Cloghane) my Dowds were from Murrigrane. Catherine and Patrick raised their children in Lisnacealvee. Some of their children, including my great grandmother, Mary, immigrated to Holyoke MA while apparently one or 2 of the other children headed to NZ and/or Australia. Mary married John Fitzgerald from Brandon in Holyoke which is where I grew up. There were Dowds in the Holyoke area.

    If Catherine and Patrick followed the traditional Irish naming pattern, Catherine’s parents were Michael and Mary (?) Dowd.

     My paternal grandmother’s family all came from the Brandon area. Names were Fitzgerald, Deady, O’Neil, and Dowd.

    Would love any info about any of these families and to identify whether or not my Dowds and Johanna’s are related.





    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 07:58PM
  • Sorry about the multiple posting of the same comment. Don't know what happened.



    Wednesday 3rd Jul 2013, 12:42PM
  • Dear Sandy,

    the multiple entries happens to me too sometimes! I thought you might like to see a map of the townlands which shows you that your people didn't travel very far to meet up. Only the next townland!

    the spelling of the townland names is slightly different too!

    I am hoping Sarah will be able to help you more with a connection between your families.

    Here is a list of families living in Lisnakealivee circa 1850

    This is a list for Murrigane

    I hope you find something of interest.


    Sunday 7th Jul 2013, 07:16AM
  • Hi Sandy

    Sorry I took so long in getting in touch with you.  There are Dowds EVERYWHERE, my greatgrandmother was one!! As of yet I can't see any connection between your Dowds and Johanna's but as records only go back so far here it is difficult to sometimes make connections. Going by dates, if they were related, your Catherine might have been Johanna's Thomas's Aunt but I can't confirm that. I have a list of websites I used myself when I started researching my tree. If you give me some time I'll try and find it.

    Anything Mairead says you can take as Gospel! Both she and her brother Matty would be very reliable when it comes to family histories and family relations.

    I found this page with 12 of your relations on it

    Give me some time and hopefully I'll be able to get something for you



    Sunday 14th Jul 2013, 09:07PM
  • Hi Sarah and Martine,

    Thanks for all your help. I appreciate any I can get. I am glad to hear Matty and Mairead are still with us and doing well. They were so gracious and before Mairead took us on a tour of the area, we all had a great conversation about my hometown, Holyoke which is where their great or grandmother lived for a while before returning to Ireland. Mairead brought us to the old house where she said my Fitzgeralds lived and I have a stone from it sitting right here. My husband and I plan to be back over there in the fall of 2014. By then it would be great to find cousins who are still living in the area.

    Take care,



    Sunday 14th Jul 2013, 09:26PM
  • Hi Sandy

    I'm afraid I have hit a brick wall!! Now I haven't been in touch with Mairead or Matty so maybe if you get a chance you can get in touch with them and see if they can be of more help. I have Neills and Dowds in my tree but I can't find any connection between  us. My Dowds are from a different area of the parish but my Neills are from Lios and Teer but I can;'t find anything connecting us, unless its that generation further back that I can't get a hold of. I know my Neills originally came from Glenflesk, have you heard any mention of this?

    I'll keep looking and let you know if I come across anything



    Sunday 25th Aug 2013, 10:06AM
  • Hi Sandy

    I found this page but I'm arfaid its probably not going to be much use to you but you never know!

    I'm afraid its Dowds go leoir!

    Here is the main page for the Cloghane area, maybe some of the placenames might ring some bells.

    and here is a map of the area with the placenames, hope it helps!



    Wednesday 25th Sep 2013, 02:54PM
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    finn- upper teer , ashe-lisnamovaun , margaret o'neill- lisnakealwee , dowd or o'dowd- glin ?

    hello cloghane parish members,

    i am tracing back records on my mother's side (margaret finn born 1924) upper teer and these online records match the verbal family history given to me from my uncle thomas finn of upper teer. my grandmother joan finn (ashe) was from lisnamovaun. she died 1969. any help or comments would be appreciated.   michael

    Tuesday 29th Dec 2015, 08:25PM
  • Hello Michael, or should I say Hello Cousin. If I read your post correctly, Margaret O'Neill, daughter of Patrick O'Neill and Catherine Dowd is your great-grandmother. She married Patrick (I think) Ash.  Her sister, Mary, is my great-grandmother. This would make us 3rd cousins. Some of gthe O'Neill siblings of that generation settled in Holyoke MA where I grew up. I am in touch with other cousins descending from Margaret's siblings. I was blessed to meet one last year who is still living in Liss.  write me off list if you would like. My e-mail is I look forward to hearing from you and making a connection. Sandy Halton Stegmayer 


    Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 07:43PM
  • Michael, Michael, Michael, where are you. I really want to connect. I am sure our great-grandmother O'Neill are sisters. My e-mail is still the same as in the above post and I am on many of the Kerry FB pages. I hope you are still with us and are following this thread.


    Tuesday 15th May 2018, 06:16PM

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