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My grandfather was John Timothy Daly (b. 16 Nov 1873) from Kerry Ireland.

His parents were Timothy John Daly and Mary Hickey.

His siblings were Bridget P. Daly, Margaret Daly, Rose Anne Daly (married Michael J. Sheehy from Kilorglin), and Katherine Daly (married Michael Lyons.)

He came by boat to Boston before 1904 and married Bridget Nagle in Winchester, Massachusetts USA on 9 Oct 1904.  They lived in Winchester for about a year.  I have records for Winchester in 1905.  They later moved to Charlestown, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

I am trying to find where in Kerry my grandfather was born.  I have heard the following mentioned:  Ballyseedy, CastleIsland, and Ballymcpearse.

If you could help with any information it would be wonderful.  I am trying to form a family tree and have reached a roadblock.

Thank you for any help you might be able to give me.

Diane M. Fay

Diane Fay

Monday 16th Sep 2013, 08:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Diane:

    Is it possible that this is your family? John in this record is only 16. Ballymacpierce is a townland. Ballyseedy is a civil parish. Castleisland is a town and civil parish.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 08:59PM
  • It is possible this is the sister and I keep thinking Ballymacpierce because years ago (in the 1970's) we went to Ireland and someone had given us the information that if we asked around we might fine the location....we did and were taken to the late 60's we also had the name of our grandfather's younger sister Bridget...her married name was Breen .....we got to meet her but she lived in a different part of Kerry.....we don't have contact with her family.

    My guess is this could be the family of one of my grandfather's brothers....the names that I have are all sisters of my grandfather that came to Boston around the same time my grandfather did.  

    I will have to start searching a bit more....using Ballymacpierce.

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    Diane M. Fay

    Diane Fay

    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 10:14PM
  • Diane:

    I've been looking for the Timothy Daly/Mary Hickey marriage record. I looked at two sites: and  I found an 1876 marriage which occurred in Castleisland (see first record) when I looked at findmypast for spouse names, this Timothy married a Honora Hickey (see 2nd record below). You can ignore the other two male names on the index record. In any event, is it possible that she was Honora Mary?


    Name:Timothy Daly
    Birth Date: 
    Spouse's Name:Nora Hickey
    Spouse's Birth Date: 
    Spouse's Birthplace: 
    Spouse's Age: 
    Event Date:16 Sep 1876
    Event Place:Roman Catholic,Castleisland,Kerry,Ireland

    First Name: Honora  

    • Last Name: Hickey  

    • Year: 1876  

    • Registered Quarter/Year: 1876  

    • Registration District: Tralee  

    • Volume: 20  

    • Page: 337  

    • Potential Spouse Names: Michael Cronin
      Timothy Daly
      John Buckley

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 16th Sep 2013, 11:21PM
  • Roger:

    I just went back over the records on marriages for my grandfather and his sisters.  One had Mary and the others did have Nora Hickey as the mother....also his sister Rose Anne Daly's record for the passengers on the boat from Ireland to Boston states that her last residence in Ireland was Castleisland.  I'd say you have found the correct record!

    As I said, Ballymacpierce, Castleisland and Ballyseedy are all names that were ringing a bell to me....I have also gone through some papers that I have and find that one of my distant cousin's and his wife lived in Ballyseedy.

    Again, that you very much....that gives me documentation on the Daly's in Ireland.

    I posted a link the other day regarding John Daly's wife and her family.  They are from Doneraile and are ancestors of Nano Nagle.  Unfortunately, my sister and I have been to Ireland 22 times but that is now over 20 years ago and at that time I had no idea that I'd want to create a family tree.  Once I get the links on my mother's side, I will start with my father's family.  That will be a bigger task since my grandmother was a Sullivan from Kerry and my grandfather who was a Fay always claimed that his family was in the US for generations.  I have now found that his father was actually born and Ireland and came to America as a young child. 

    I worked for the Boston Public Library for 38 years and do not have a problem getting around the records here in Boston.  I am living about 2 hours outside of the City of Boston so if the records are on line there is no problem....I am making a list of records that will require a trip to the City...when I have a clear list of what I need, I will be making a trip to the main library in Boston.

    Thank you for all of your help.


    Diane Fay

    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 01:08AM
  • Diane,

    The church records for Kerry are online at (free)

    I found a number of records of children born to   a Timothy Daly married to Hanora Hickey (Hickie)

    All records are in Ballymacpierce

    Mary Daly      b. 1877

    John Daly      b. 1878

    Rose Ann Daly b. 1881

    David Daly      b.1883

    Catherine Daly  b. 1885

    Helen Daly      b. 1886

    Honora Daly    b. 1888

    Margaret Daly  b. 1891

    Johanna Daly   b. 1893

    Bridget Daly     b. 1897

    There was another record for a William Daly born 1890 to Hanora HIckey and Thadeus Daly.  this could possibly be Timothy.


    Anne Dennehy



    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 02:08PM
  • Anne:

    Thank you very much.

    First, this morning I found the record for Mary Daly coming to Boston on the boat and it indicated she was from Ballymacpierce.  The record said she was with a friend Robby McGuinnity.  That name made me remember my grandfather's sister's son was very difficult to handle as a teen and was sent to live with relatives in Flint, Michigan.  I searched that out and found the Robby McGuinnity married Mary Daly in Winchester, Massachusetts and then went to Flint, Michigan....

    I acutally didn't have a few of the names but the pieces are falling into place.

    Thank you for all of you help.  By the way,...there are Dennehy's out there that a related also...I just haven't made the connection on if they are with my grandfather (Daly of Kerry) or my grandmother (Nagle of Doneraile, Cork.)

    Thank you for you help.


    Diane Fay

    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 04:45PM
  • Anne:

    Thank you very much.

    First, this morning I found the record for Mary Daly coming to Boston on the boat and it indicated she was from Ballymacpierce.  The record said she was with a friend Robby McGuinnity.  That name made me remember my grandfather's sister's son was very difficult to handle as a teen and was sent to live with relatives in Flint, Michigan.  I searched that out and found the Robby McGuinnity married Mary Daly in Winchester, Massachusetts and then went to Flint, Michigan....

    I acutally didn't have a few of the names but the pieces are falling into place.

    Thank you for all of you help.  By the way,...there are Dennehy's out there that a related also...I just haven't made the connection on if they are with my grandfather (Daly of Kerry) or my grandmother (Nagle of Doneraile, Cork.)

    Thank you for you help.


    Diane Fay

    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 04:46PM
  • Anne:

    My uncle who was also Timothy John Daly used to say the name was really Taddy Jack Daly...could this be his reference to Thadeus Daly and that my great grandfather was Thadeus John Daly (aka Timothy John Daly?"


    Diane Fay

    Tuesday 17th Sep 2013, 04:51PM
  • Diane

    As you know all the records are in Latin so there can be slightly different translations for a name.  Most children were called after their grandparents in the records, but went by either a different name or a variation of that name.  I'd safely say that Thadeus (Thady) and Timothy are one and the same.


    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 11:52AM
  • Anne:

    Thank you for that information...I did go out to the census records for 1901/1911 and found them in house #5 ...all were listed as sons or daughters and William was included.

    I have actually found a lot of information since I started this search.

    My next task for Kerry will be to make the connection between my grandfather (John Daly) with my mother's cousin ...Maurice Quirke who with his wife lived in Gransha Lower, Castlemaine.  He was originally from a place that they refered to as Mount Henry...which is not far from Castlemaine.  I don't know what his father's name was but my guess is it was Michael (Maurice and Mary had a set of twins named John and Michael Quirke.   Mary's father was John Murphy from Doneraile, Cork...Mary's brother was married to Maurice's sister (Mary) and they also had a set of twins named John and Michael Murphy.  My guess is the twins are named for their grandfathers.

    Maurice's mother was Katie Quirke...I believe she was Katie Dennehy or Dannehy..and came to Boston around 1905 (before she married)...she was the godmother of my mother's sister.  She was supposed to be a cousin but I don't know what the relationship really is...???



    Diane Fay

    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 03:07PM
  • Diane

    I have some information on the Daly family of Ballymacpierce as Timothy's sister Mary Daly married a granduncle of mine John Kerrisk and lived in Gortalassa Firies Kerry - quite near Ballymacpierce. I have the marriage cert of Timothy and Honora Hickey 16 Sept 1876 in Castleisland R.C. church. According to the cert Timothy was a widower when he married Honora - his father was a farmer John Daly and Honora was aged 20 on marriage from Lackabane and  her father was David Hickey also a farmer. I can scan the cert and send by e-mail if you wish - just let me have your address. Also I happen to know a greatgrandaughter of Timothy and Hanora and have let her know you are seaching for information and hopefully she will get back to you. 

    I also have Mary Daly's marriage cert and can let you have that. Unfortunately nobody seems to have John Daly's wife's name as the earlier Ballymackelligott parish records were destroyed by fire. 

    Timothy had five sisters including Mary and I have some information on these - if interested let me know and I can send on.

    Margaret Daly Timothy's sister married a John Sullivan of Keelies/ Keeleigh  and the family emigrated to Manchester New Hampshire in 1889.

    Best regards

    Clare Tuohy

    Clare Tuohy

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 09:24AM
  • Diane

    Just had a message from a Daly descendant to say that Timothy's mother was Mary Kiely her family is thought to have lived near Ballymacpierce but very little is know about her.



    Clare Tuohy

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 05:31PM
  • Clare

    First thank you for responding to my request for information.  Paula and I are thrilled that we have made a connection with some one who actually has the information that we are looking for.

    Paula and I have been to Ireland a number of times but not in the last 20 years.  At that time, we had no thought of creating a famly tree...and now it is very difficult with the passing of years to connect wtih people who know the information that we would like to be able to find.

    On a trip back in the late 60's early 70's, we were driving along one of the roads in Kerry with my mother's cousin Mary Quirke.  Mary told us to pull over so that she could introduce us to a distant cousins of our mother.   They were the Kerrisk's....a man, his wife and a couple of children. They had been out working in their yard when Mary spotted them.  Could these have been relatives of your granduncle?

    Mary is originally from Cork and is a first cousin of our mother on her mother's side but she is also married to Maurice Quirke (RIP) who was a cousin on my mother's father's side (the Daly side.)  Maurice was from Mount Henry in the Firies.  Maurice's mother was Catherine Dennehy and her mother was Mary Daly.   We figure that Mary Daly was a cousing of our greatgrandfather Timothy Daly....could this be you have any ideas on this connectoin???

    In 1969, we made our first trip to Ireland with our mother and her older that time we were on a CIE tour but had a free day in Killarney and Mary Quirke took us to meet my mother's aurnt ...her name was Bridget grandfather's younger sister.  She was then Bridget Breen.

    We also had the chance to go to Ballymacpierce and met a man who was born in New Hampshire.  This must have been a son or gandson of the family you mentioned.  At the time, my mother said that when she was young, her father wouldn't go back to Ireland to work the farm and that a distant relative who had emigrated to New Hampshire went back to Ireland and took over the farm.

    Clare, we would be grateful for copies of anything that you might have.  My email address is  also please pass this on to the woman that you know who would be a distant cousin to us.  Paula and I would also be great grandaughters of Timothy and Hanora Daly. Also, our address in the USA is 52 Lovells Rd, Cotuit, MA 02635.  Cotuit is a village on Cape Cod, but we are originally from Dedham, MA which is right next to Boston.

    Again, thank you very much for all of you help.

    Diane Fay

    Diane Fay

    Wednesday 16th Oct 2013, 12:43AM

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