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Searching for information for Griffin Family, Ardfert, Liscahane.  Daniel Griffin married Mary Murphy on February 11, 1866.  Their fathers are Daniel Griffin and Daniel Murphy.  They had eleven or twelve children.  I have found many records on the family, 1901 and 1911 Census, Catholic Parish Registers for Birth and Baptisms etc.  Daniel was a farmer and the townland was Liscahane.  I am looking to visit and would love to find out exactly where they lived, church they attended etc.  Thank you for any information you can give me.

Terry Beatty

Saturday 12th Jan 2019, 06:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Terry:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Here is a link to the present church in Ardfert-St. Brendan's

    Liscahane is southeast of the village of Ardfert on the R551 road.

    Most Co. Kerry church records are on the free site but I did not see that Ardfert parish was included on the data base. I was looking for the baptismal records for Daniel Griffin and Mary Murphy. Here is a link to the parish register from 1819-1881 Please note that there is a gap in the baptismal records from October1846-October 1859. So if either Daniel or Mary was less than 20 when married, you won't locate their baptismal record.

    Let us know whne you plan to visit.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 12th Jan 2019, 08:01PM
  • Hi Terry

    I am also interested in this family. I believe Daniel may have had at least two brothers: a John who married Catherine Lyons and (possibly) a Thomas, married to Mary O'Shea. I have DNA matches with descendants of these two branches and believe that my own Griffin ancestor also came from Liscahane.

    Please mail me at andrew (at), so we can exchange info.

    Andrew Griffiths, Ober-Ramstadt, Germany

    Thursday 14th Feb 2019, 08:56AM
  • You can't post links here and I'm not too sure about the exact house but I believe this is Griffins. If you go to 52.321540, -9.777153 on google maps it should take you to the spot.

    Its been a long time since I was in Ardfert and its changed a lot so recognising farmhouses from google maps isn't easy.

    I'm a desendent of the Murphys of Liscahane and spent many summers there on the farm. My uncle Hugh Murphy would have known John Griffin well back in the 80s when he still ran the family farm. I believe John Griffin died some years back and my uncle now lives in London.

    My father has a lot more genelogical information on the murphy side and may be able to fill in some gaps.


    Ian Murphy

    Monday 15th Jan 2024, 02:47PM

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