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Hello, I'm looking for any Healy's in the Killarney area that might be related to me.

Through YDNA I have found several American Healy's whose ancestors emigrated around the time of the Great famine. They were all from different parts of Kerry, Valentia Island, Kilgarvan, Killaglin, and Killarney.My connection to these Healy's would be from 1750-1800.

Recently I have found a possible close cousin, Patrick Healy of Shronederragh, also a gentleman of another surname who I match with exactly, he lives in Killeen, but doe's not know of the Healy association.

My connection to the gentleman in Killeen could be as close as 1850-1900.

I assume that my Healy's were still in the Killarney area around 1860,my Great grandfather married Honora Scanlan who was from Castleisland, in London in 1865. He gave his name as Michael Healy, his father as Patrick Healy,Deceased. I've later found out that he was probably James Healy.

Any Healy's who have ancestors that migrated to England/London in the 1850's-1860's with these names please contact me.

Many Thanks.

Tim Healy (UK).

Wednesday 29th Oct 2014, 07:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Tim:

    You may want to use the search function at the top of this page immediately to the right of the Resources Tab. Enter Healy and you will get all past messages with the surname Healy.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 29th Oct 2014, 08:59PM

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