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I am trying to find out information about my grandfather's family. They lived at 83 Old Street in Portumna according to the 1901 census and in the 1911 census they were listed as living at 52 Old Street in Portumna. My grandfather's name is Micheal Treacy. He moved to New York and was a policeman. Micheal was married to Maggie White, from Inistoige and had one son, Edward.

His father was William Treacy, a blacksmith, and was from Tipperary. He married Catherine Ridge in 1873.  I think she was a Portumna native. They had the following children: James, Daniel, William, Kate, Sarah, Michael and Thomas. There may have been other children but these are the only ones listed on the 1901 census.

Kate (Kathleen) immigrated to New York and Michael, James, and Sarah followed. She might have been married to a Moran. Michael, James and Sarah are buried together in Calvary Cemetary in Woodside, New York. The name on the headstone is spelled as Tracey.

I am looking for any information available about the family and would like to know if there are any remaining Treacy's from this family left in Portumna.


Mary Anne Tracy 


Tuesday 3rd Apr 2012, 07:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mary Anne. Here is some information that may be of help to you.  Your grandfather's brother Dan was also a blacksmith in Portumna and one of his sons was married in Ahascragh, Co. Galway, and his son is Philip Treacy the famous hat designer in England.  He makes hats for Royalty and anyone who can afford them.  Another son of Dan's, called William was married in England and he now lives in Portland, Co. Tipperary, with his two sons, William and Michael.  Portland is just 2 miles from Portumna over the river Shannon.  My husband Gerard Treacy is a distant cousin of the Treacys. 

    The Ridges came from outside Portumna if you want to find out more information about them contact Mrs Power, of Powers Post Office, Powers Cross, Portumna as Mrs Power was Ridge.

    Hope this information will help.

     Mrs. Ann Treacy. 

    Tuesday 1st May 2012, 04:04PM
  • Thanks for getting back to me. You gave me a lot of information about the family. I was always wondering what happenned to all of them. Thanks again, Mary Anne 


    Thursday 10th May 2012, 06:10PM
  • Hi,

    Dillons here in Portumna, Gerard(Gerdy) P Dillon's Family, have been researching our family tree for a good while now, got back a good way. But the one thing that has always stumped me was where we were related to the Treacy's which we are. Just can't find the link. We are related to Dan Treacy, Nicolas Treacy etc, would be very grateful if the link could be passed on to me.


    Tuesday 14th Aug 2012, 08:45AM
  • I am looking for the any information on the descendants of Lawrence Treacy from Portumna/Tynagh.  There are two Lawrence Treacy's in the Tithe applotment books listed and one Francis Treacy. These are names that go back in my family over a hundred years.  My ggfather was John Tracey, son of Lawrence Tracey and he emigrated to England and then America.  He was a coal miner/farmer and his father Lawrence was a mason.  Anyone with any information please contact me.  



    Sean Tracey


    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 12:36PM
  • Mary Anne,

    I am researching the same Treacy family for my uncle, whose grandmother was Bridget Treacy Moran. She is Michael's sister. Michael was living with Bridget and her family when the 1915 NY Census was taken. I have attached an image of the census. I also have a letter from Calvary Cemetery answering a inquiry from Bridget's daughter, Margaret, which lists some of the family plots in which Michael's plot is listed. Please contact me if you are interested in collaborating. My email is

    Looking forward to hearing from you.



    Barbara Keary

    Saturday 3rd Aug 2013, 04:05PM
  • Hi to all above Treacy's, Tracy's, Ridge's, Moran's and Dillon's.

    I have some more info on the above families. My GGrandfather Martin Dillon(Oldtort) married Bridget Ridge(Portumna) in Portumna in 1869.

    Bridget Ridge is a sister of Catherine Ridge that was married to William Treacy in 1873.

    William Treacy in Portland I believe his mother was Kathleen, and his Aunt was Bridget Ridge my GGrandmother.

    I am trying to link back all this info into an already big family tree.

    The names in our family tree from the Dillon side is Ridge(Portumna), Hynes, Treacy, Farrell, Keating.



    Any more info linking all the Ridge's/Treacy's together I would be very grateful. You can email me at if you have or need more info


    Monday 9th Sep 2013, 01:41PM
  • Ann,

    I have been trying to find contact information for the Mrs. Powers but to no avail. Could you help or maybe pass my email address to her if she is willing to contact me?



    Barbara Keary

    Monday 18th Nov 2013, 08:59PM
  • Hi, I have another old photo of one of the Treacy's of High Street. Would anyone know who Massie is?





    Thursday 8th May 2014, 07:35PM
  • If anyone is interested ... I have a photo of William Treacy and Catherine Ridge from High Street Portumna.


    Thursday 8th May 2014, 07:41PM
  • I recently found out that I am related to this branch of the Treacy Family, not from my surname, which is also Treacy, but through Catherine Ridge who married William Treacy on 11 Nov 1876 in Portumna.

    Catherine Ridge's mother was Catherine Egan who married Michael Ridge on 9 Feb 1839 in Killimor. The witnesses were John Egan and Mrs. P. Treacy, who is Mary Egan Treacy my Gr.Gr.Grandmother. She was married to Patrick Treacy. They lived at Derrew, Kilquain, Galway and had nine children. Michael Ridge might have been from Caher, Lickomassy. Catherine & Mary Egan were from Kilemore, Killimorbologue and were sisters. That is my connection to this Treacy Branch.

    I am also related to the Dillon Family through Catherine Ridge's sister Bridget Ridge who married Martin Dillon on 30 Nov 1869 in Portumna.

    I have recently been in contact with 2 of Daniel Treacy's Grandsons Joseph from Ballinasloe & Seamus from Dublin, so there are some of these Treacy's in the area.

    Jim Treacy

    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 03:39PM
  • Hi I believe I might be related to the Lawrence Tracey mentioned above by Sean Tracey.   My ancestor Martin Tracey and his brother John left Portumna for England during the Great Famine. Lawrence was a family name, so it is possible we are connected. I'd like to know more information please but have only just registered on this site and am not sure how to contact members but will look out for updates.

    Monday 7th Aug 2017, 09:12PM
  • Hello to all:)

    To any interested, Catherine Ridge b 1854 was my GG aunt, and was married to William Treacy b 1849. Catherine was the daughter of Michael Ridge b 1814 and Catherine Egan b 1817, of Caher, Lickmolassy, County Galway . She was the second Catherine born of this marriage; the first died young. My GG grandmother was Mary (Maria, Miria?) Ridge, b 1843; she emigrated to the US (Louisville, KY) during the Potato Famine. She passed away in 1919 as a result of burns suffered when she tried to extinguish burning lace curtains. Mary was married twice. Her first husband was Robert Angus Murphy; they had seven children. He died in a work-related accident in 1880. She married Fred Flaspöhler in 1881; they had two daughters, Margaret Josephine and Adelaide. I may have more data if anyone's interested - contact me at I'm still searching for any particulars regarding Mary's immigration: exact date, vessel, ports, with whom she traveled (if anyone) -

    Best regards -


    Gene Hawkins

    Oregonia, Ohio, USA


    Monday 5th Oct 2020, 01:16PM

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