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I posted a question about the Dignan (sometimes spelled Duignan) family from Loughrea a few years ago. I am wondering if I could try it again and see if this family might be in the 1821 census. I believe there is a fragment of this census available.
Peter Dignan, son of Patrick Dignan, was born around 1790 and  married Margaret Lynch around 1810 or so. I can find several of their children including Mary born in 1811, Patrick born in 1814, James born in 1816, Bridget born in 1818 and Peter born in 1820. There is also a daughter Margaret but I couldn't find her baptism. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 01:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Alison,

    Thanks for your message. Catholic baptismal records for the parish start as early as 1810 so if Margaret was baptised in the parish there should be a record of it.

    As you can see from the above link there are copies available from the East Galway Family History Society. Here is their email:

    Please note that a fee may apply.

    Alternatively you could try contacting the local parish priest for some possible assistance.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 11th Mar 2014, 10:24AM
  • Patrick Dignan the son was my ggg grandfather he married Alice Farley and lived f in the County of Meath. I know they migrated to the US and ended up living in a town named Greenwich Ohio. I have a family book on this.

    I am trying to find out what Head of the Great Crosby House Lancshire means?

    Who was Alice Farleys parents and anything more I can learm about Patrick and his family.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    Tuesday 5th Aug 2014, 01:12AM
  • Hi Pamela.

    I've never heard of "Great Crosby House Lancshire", but I typed the following into Google: "Head of the Great Crosby House Lancshire", and got several references to "Great Crosby" a town in Lancashire, England.  There is also a Widipedia page describing it, as well as, a UK GenWeb page:


    Do you have any dates/locations where Patrick Dignan (the son) and Alice Farley got married?  Do you know when they might have come to the US?  That might help in doing some searching on that couple.


    Tuesday 5th Aug 2014, 03:57AM

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