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I am looking for information on Thomas McInnes born in Loughrea about 1818.  On 6th August 1833 he was said to be 14 years and 3 months old when he joined the British army regiment 25th Regiment of Foot, the King's Own Borderers as a drummer boy, although his discharge papers show that he was a shoemaker by trade.   I note from their history that they were in Loughrea from around 1819.  On his marriage certificate his father is shown as William McInnes, a shoemaker.  I'm hoping there may be some record of his birth locally in Loughrea although I believe McInnes is a Scottish surname.  Thomas is my wife's great great grandfather.  Would appreciate any help in progressing further.

Saturday 9th Mar 2013, 04:07PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Johnny,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    If Thomas was born in Loughrea you should be able to find his birth/baptismal record in the local church records.

    Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. For Loughrea parish, follow this link:

    You could also try contacting the East Galway Family History Society for assistance, as they may have copies of these records. However, a fee may apply. Here are their contact details:

    East Galway Family History Society,

    Woodford Heritage Centre,



    Co. Galway.

    Phone: +353 (0) 90 9749039 Email:

    I hope this is helpful.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Friday 3rd May 2013, 11:59AM
  • Hello Emma,


    Thanks very much for this information.   I will take up your suggestions and see where it leads me.


    Best wishes



    Friday 3rd May 2013, 08:30PM
  • Hi Just found your page on Thomas Mcinnes born 1819. he is my  great grandad, i have some info on him but have now got stuck. Would love to get in touch with you, my e mail is

    Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 02:39PM
  • Sorry my e mail is wrong. its

    Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 08:47PM

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