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Hello all. I'm another pesky American trying to call myself Irish (or part anyway) and I'd like to track down any and all leads on my great great grandfather, Micheal Thomas Dunn  (1833-1904),   his father Thomas Dunne(1790-1845) and his mother,  Hannah Cunningham (1790-1848).  Thomas Dunne and Margaret both died in Loughrea, and were Catholic, but their son, Michael Thomas Dunn (who dropped the "e") left during the famine, I'm sorry to report, and so he wouldn't be listed in the cemetary. I'm planning on coming to visit in July and was hoping to find a grave or two at which to pay my respect. I'm not sure how this works, but any help would be appreciated!

Sunday 19th May 2013, 12:05PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dave,

    Thank you very much for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers. Hopefully they may be able to assist or advise you.

    In the meantime, we have added a new link to the top of our website for people who are planning on visiting in 2013. It takes you to a short web form. We would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to complete this. Thank you!

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 10:07AM
  • Dear Dave

    My name is Sandra and your details have been passed on to me by Emma from Ireland Reaching Out. I am happy to give you some assistance. Do you have anymore information you can give me?  I will see from this side what I can do. When are you planning to visit?

    I look forward to hearing from you. 


    Sunday 23rd Jun 2013, 11:44AM
  • Hi David Mets,

    Hi Mary Conyne.

    I believe i will be able to help with yer Dunn(e) Ancestral research, please email me at,




    John O'Connell.


    Sunday 21st Jun 2020, 11:22AM
  • Hello, 

    I've posted before on the Loughrea page but didn't realize there was this Kilnadeema group as well so I am hoping someone here can help. I was just there last summer and went to midweek mass and met the priest and a wonderful local historian. Unfortunately time was limited and not all family members with me as interested in genealogy so I had to move on. This is what I know. 

    My 2x great grandfather, Michael Henry Donlan left Loughrea iin 1866. He was warned they'd be coming to get him in the morning because of Fennian activities he had been involved. His family gave him teh Murrays address in New York to go to, they were also from Loughrea and he ended up marrying their daughter Ann. I believe Ann Murray was from Kilnadeema, and since they were supposedly neighbors was hoping Michael was too but find no record of anything related to him there. Michael was the son of Peter Donlan and Katherine Kervick born around 1847 or 1848. Everyone tells me Kervick is not a common name and it must have been Kerwick and on emigrant savings bank record it does look like it could be, but other places it is listed it looks like Kervick.  As far as we know his parents stayed in Ireland and the only sibling we know in the US was a sister Mary. 

    Ann Murray was the daughter of Andrew Murray (born abt 1807 from census records) and Bridget Mary O'Donnell. She was supposedly born May 26, 1846. She had a sister Catherine who said she was born July 25, 1834, and another sister Mary. 

    I found a record in the church in Kilnadeema for a baptism for  a Margarita Murray, parents Andrew Murray and Bridget Daniel, born April 17, baptized April 21, 1844 with sponsors Peter Murray and Maria Dooley.  Would Daniel be used instead of O'Donnell, and could this be the right family? The priest told us there are many Murrays in the area so I am hopeful. 

    I forgot to mention that Michael's son Peter married a family friend's daughter whose parents Martin Hynes and  Nora Fahey were from Loughrea too, Nora actually said she was from Kileenadeema. 

    Sorry this is so long, thank you in advance for any help you can give me. 

    AIleen Coogan


    Monday 22nd Jun 2020, 12:33PM
  • Hello, 

    I've posted before on the Loughrea page but didn't realize there was this Kilnadeema group as well so I am hoping someone here can help. I was just there last summer and went to midweek mass and met the priest and a wonderful local historian. Unfortunately time was limited and not all family members with me as interested in genealogy so I had to move on. This is what I know. 

    My 2x great grandfather, Michael Henry Donlan left Loughrea iin 1866. He was warned they'd be coming to get him in the morning because of Fennian activities he had been involved. His family gave him teh Murrays address in New York to go to, they were also from Loughrea and he ended up marrying their daughter Ann. I believe Ann Murray was from Kilnadeema, and since they were supposedly neighbors was hoping Michael was too but find no record of anything related to him there. Michael was the son of Peter Donlan and Katherine Kervick born around 1847 or 1848. Everyone tells me Kervick is not a common name and it must have been Kerwick and on emigrant savings bank record it does look like it could be, but other places it is listed it looks like Kervick.  As far as we know his parents stayed in Ireland and the only sibling we know in the US was a sister Mary. 

    Ann Murray was the daughter of Andrew Murray (born abt 1807 from census records) and Bridget Mary O'Donnell. She was supposedly born May 26, 1846. She had a sister Catherine who said she was born July 25, 1834, and another sister Mary. 

    I found a record in the church in Kilnadeema for a baptism for  a Margarita Murray, parents Andrew Murray and Bridget Daniel, born April 17, baptized April 21, 1844 with sponsors Peter Murray and Maria Dooley.  Would Daniel be used instead of O'Donnell, and could this be the right family? The priest told us there are many Murrays in the area so I am hopeful. 

    I forgot to mention that Michael's son Peter married a family friend's daughter whose parents Martin Hynes and  Nora Fahey were from Loughrea too, Nora actually said she was from Kileenadeema. 

    Sorry this is so long, thank you in advance for any help you can give me. 

    AIleen Coogan


    Monday 22nd Jun 2020, 12:33PM
  • Hi Aileen.

    HouseofNames: LastName Histories, Coats of Arms & Family ...

    Please put the Kervick / kerwick name in to the link above to read the history & origin of the name.



    Tuesday 23rd Jun 2020, 09:07PM
  • HI Aileen.

    The records are

    Roots Ireland



    Honora Murray

    Date of Birth:




    Date of Baptism:



    Not Recorded






    Co. Galway



    Roman Catholic


    Murray Andrew


    Daniel Bridget


    Not Recorded


    Sponsor 1 /

    Daniel Thomas

    Sponsor 2 /

    Daniel Bridget





    Margaret Murray

    Date of Birth:




    Date of Baptism:



    Not Recorded






    Co. Galway



    Roman Catholic


    Murray Andrew


    Daniel Bridget


    Not Recorded


    Sponsor 1 /

    Murray Peter

    Sponsor 2 /

    Dooley Mary





    Wednesday 24th Jun 2020, 11:06AM
  • John,Thank you so much! That is amazing to have those two baptisaml records.  Daniel was definitely used for O'Donnell, right?   Thats so exciting to have both sisters bapitsms.   Thank you so much for finding the explanaiton of the Kervick name too.  Is there an index on Roots Ireland? I had started to go through parish records page by page, but hadn't seen Anns, I'll have to go back and look again and look for other siblings. I know there was Patrick who found in the Civil war.  

    If the Donlan and Murrays were neighbors, and I dont see any iwith parents Peter Donlan and Catherine Kervick in that parish, what would be the next nearest ones to look at?  

    I can't tell you have much you made my day finiding those. Thank you!  My mother is in her 80s now and she willl be thrilled too. 




    Thursday 25th Jun 2020, 03:50PM
  • Hi Aileen.

    I have free access to Roots Ireland, if you have any ancestors you any difficulty finding Datws for please let me know.



    Saturday 27th Jun 2020, 05:23PM
  • Attached Files


    I don't think I've seen the Kilnadeema message board before, but am glad to have found it.  

    Meet my Maine murder mystery - Michael Mahon. Michael Joseph Mahon was born in 1899 in the Masonbrook section of Loughrea, Galway and he emigrated to Boston in 1926. He held a few different jobs in Boston before becoming a Labor Union organizer for the Butcher workers union. Following an ongoing "beef" with a company in Bangor, Maine that refused to allow their employees to organize with Mahon, he was murdered in Bangor during a trip to attempt to broker an agreement with this company. I wonder if this news would have made it to the local newspapers?

    My great grandparents (John Mahon and Margaret Kelly) are buried in the cemetery at Kilnadeema.  On the gravestone if also references their son Joseph (died June 18, 1965) and a Thomas Mahon (not noted as a son, but could be a son or maybe even grandson?) died Feb 25, 1979 which would make him 82 if my records are correct.  Other names on the marker are Celia Mahon (died Nov 22, 1981) and Malachy Mahon (died May 10, 1985).  I would love to find out any additional information about these people and any other relations that might be in that same cemetery.  My mother told me that Michael had a brother Malachy who died when he was on his honeymoon - likely in the 1940s so I'm assuming she had that correct, and that this Malachy might be a grandson of John and Margaret.  I was in the cemetery only once in 1994, and it turned out to be a shorter than planned visit because a downpour came when we were visiting.  Any clues or assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I am assuming (but do not know for certain that there are still Mahons in the area.

    Kerry White


    Monday 12th Apr 2021, 04:08PM
  • Hi Aileen - in regard to your comment:

    Martin Hynes and Nora Fahey were from Loughrea

    would you have any info on Martin Hynes as in birth date or his Family?  I'm just curious because he may be a GG Uncle and I know I'm connected to the name Fahy through dna.  Just trying to make some connections.  Thank you for your time.

    Rachel O'Brien nee Hynes

    Rachel OBrien

    Monday 12th Apr 2021, 06:10PM

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