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I'm looking for the last homestead of my grandmother in Loughrea area before she emigrated in 1892.  She is Mary Elizabeth Burke, born in Loughrea parish with parents Patrick Burke and Maria (Keating).  I found information recently that this same cottage was being lived in by a family named Mannion in 1972.  They were somehow descendants from the 2nd marriage of Patrick Burke and Mary Fallon (of Craughwell).  So, they were probably descendants of Margaret Burke (married a Nictular or McQuaid, who was a butcher in Loughrea, around 1925).  Or, they were descendants of John Burke (married Margaret Nilan) who had 3 daughters, one named Barbara.

Perhaps there in a phone registry available from 1972 which could help me although I don't know if they had a phone.  Or just some kind of address register for the area.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,



Sunday 10th Feb 2013, 08:36PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Cindy,


    Thank you for your message.


    I was just wondering where you found the information that the Mannions were living in the same house in 1972. Do you have any other information that may be helpful? Do you know what specific area of Loughrea she was from-was it the town or the countryside?


    Do you have any other information on Mary or the Burkes in general that you can share that may help our volunteers? The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 17th Apr 2013, 11:31AM
  • Hello Emma,

    I will fill you in on the information I have, hoping it's not too long!

    My grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Burke, was born in 1874 in Tullahill, Lougrhea.  I understand that Tullahill is an area bordering on the west of Loughrhea town (now called Tullagh Upper?).  Her parents were Patrick Burke and Maria Keating, who were married in Loughrea, 1858.  (The parents of "Patch" Burke were William Burke + Mary (Hart?). The parents of Maria were Patrick Keating and Mary (Healy or Connelly?). There was some information that Patrick and/or Maria came from closer to the Tynagh area but, again, I'm not sure about this.)

    The first 4 children of this marriage were born with address Cahernamuck, Lackalea (Carrabane), 1861 - 1866 (names:  Maria, Bridget, Honora, and Jane).  We think these children did not survive as my grandmother never spoke of them. (The info about the Burke/Keating marriage and children is mostly from a search I had done in 2000 at the Woodford Centre. But the name Healy comes from a cousin who's done some research but I don't know where he found that name.)

    The other children were: Thomas (about 1865 - not on Woodford search), Helena (Ellen), born 1869, address: Bride St, Loughrea. Michael, 1871- Tullahill, Mary E. 1874 - Tullahill,  and Patrick, 1878 - Tullahill.  All of these last children emigrated to the U.S. (Boston area) by about 1895. (The birth dates and addresses also come from the Woodford Centre search.)

    Maria (Keating) died around 1889 and her son Thomas (on a return visit from the U.S.) had a tombstone erected for her in the Abbey Cemetary. (I think around 1912).  Patrick Burke died around 1918 and his name was added to the stone.

    Patrick Burke (my gr grandfather) re-married around 1892 to Mary Fallon of Croughwell (father John Fallon).  At that time, he was living in Garacloon (Carrabane).  He was a "herd".  From this 2nd marriage, there were 3 children:  Margaret (1893), and twins Jane and John (1894).  Margaret married a butcher in Loughrea (either McQuaid or Nictular).  Margaret + husband later had a pub, I think in Craughwell.  Jane immig to U.S.  John Burke married Margaret Nilan and had one daughter : Mary Kate (who married Michael Dempsey).  I have met Mary Kate and Michael Dempsey (who used to run "Galway Glazers").  I don't know if they are still living but I would very much like to know.  They lived at "The Meadows", Masonbrook, Eastern edge of Loughrea, and I think they were starting a golf course out there.  I wrote to them in December but didn't hear back.  Do you have any information about them?

    We saw the old Burke/Fallon house in Garacloon (South?) in 2003.  It was in ruins but it was still in the family (son Thomas Dempsey, I believe).

    My mother, on a visit to Loughrea in 1970, thinks she saw the old homestead of her mother, Mary E Burke, and says there was a path near the house which went to a small church.  Her mother used to talk about this.  The only other reference to this homestead which I know of was made by a cousin in a letter (this cousin is no longer living).   She said that she saw the homestead in 1972 and it was run-down looking but a family named Mannion was living there.  That's where I had this information but I don't know if this was really the right house or not.

    Any information you could find about the Burke homestead where my grandmother was born would be greatly apprectiated.  Also, if you are able to find out anything about the Burke/Keating ancestors that would be an extra bonus!  I think there were a lot of them around there so it could be challenging!!

    Many thanks in advance,

    Cindy Taupin

    PS Could you advise me of where I could order a copy of the birth or baptism certificate of my grandmother?  It would mean a lot to my mother who is still living.  I had stopped in Galway at a records office in 2000 to inquire about it but they couldn't find anything.  Maybe I didn't give them the right information?



    Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 09:08AM
  • Hi Cindy, I also have Patrick and Maria on my tree.  Actually, it's my husband's tree.  Maria was sister to Joanna Keating, my husband's 2nd great grandmother.  I do appreciate the info in your email to this website.  Do you have a tree on Mine is under Lysaght Family Tree (1).  




    Tuesday 4th Apr 2017, 05:51PM
  • Hello, 

    I know this is years later but I am currently doing my family tree and I believe I am a direct decendant of George McQuaid (butcher) & Margaret Burke. Id love to get chatting and find out more. PLease contact me. 






    Thursday 8th Apr 2021, 04:23PM

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