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Looking for my 4th Great Grandfather:

Patrick Thomas Leonard
Born: 1828, Clare, Ireland
Residence: Roadfoard, Doolin, Clare (stated as "Broadford" on a Bank Note)


John Leonard, died bef 1854
Mary (Seerin? Geerin? Hard to make out.)


Ellen Connaughton

born: 1828, Galway

Residence: Kinvara, Galway

Children born in Ireland:

Mary (b. 1844), Margaret (b.1846), John (1850)  & Patrick (b. 1847)


Came to New York, USA in 1850 via ship "Irvine".

Had fourth child, Ellen M. (born 1853), in New York.


I am attaching information from a Bank Note written in 1854 in the Emigrants Savings Bank. If you can decipher the handwriting - be my guest!! I have tried over and over.
Ireland Reaching Out -

Saturday 25th Feb 2012, 04:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    Thank you very much for your query to Ireland Reaching Out. You could try looking at the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) for more information relating to Patrick Leonard's parents.

    You should also consider looking at the emigration and shipping records for the ship 'Irvine'. There is usually more information at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. It may give you more clues about Patrick and Ellen.

    I hope this is of some help to you.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Monday 27th Feb 2012, 03:33PM
  • Thank you!


    I have found a few that could be matches for his father, 'John Leonard', in the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38).


    I have been searching for their ship manifest since 2009. I cannot find a ship by the name they gave "Irvine", they also gave 3 different dates of arrival. One in 1849 and two in 1850. It is very frustrating!

    Monday 27th Feb 2012, 05:54PM
  • Hi there,

    It might be worth checking this website for the ship 'Irvine':

    Perhaps the ship was known under a different name. Maybe have a look at contemporary newspapers for advertisements.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)

    Thursday 1st Mar 2012, 10:36AM
  • I still have not been able to trace either of their parents with any firm evidence. But within the last week I have been able to track Patrick & Ellen's journey in the US:

    Patrick Thomas Leonard Sr. joined the Union Army in New York and fought in the Civil War. He also moved to Idaho, Nebraska and finally Kansas while fighting in the American Indian Wars, for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor. I can't believe I finally found them. This was a big break for me!

    Thursday 11th Sep 2014, 01:07PM

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