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I am trying to establish whether my ancestors, Michael Kennedy and his wife, Margaret Kilkelly, lived in Kiltullagh in the early to middle nineteenth century. Michael was said to be a hotel-keeper. His son, also named Michael ,was born somewhere in Galway and emigrated to Australia in 1857.

I would be very grateful if someone could look into the parish records for births, deaths or marriages of these persons, or supply any other information.

Robert Kennedy, New Zealand.


Tuesday 18th Oct 2011, 02:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Robert

    re your query Michael KENNEDY and his wife Margaret KILKELLY (nearly a year ago)  who lived in Kultullagh in the early to middle 19th centrury....

    ... this is Di from Queensland.

    It doesn't look like anyone from Ireland Reaching Out has made contact with you? Not reaching out, at all at all?

    Despite all their good will, I think the relationship with Ireland and the Diaspora remains onesided: unrequited. :-(

    Unrequited: not very flash in any relationship.

    I think "Ireland Reaching Out"  will turn out to be just like any other message board: all of us out there, whose ancestors came from Irleand,  spending our money and our time, doing the research, and each of us helping each other.

    It would be useful for ALL if there was a chance for  a "Feed Back" . I don't think Ireland Reaching Out has such a thing.

    That's needed in the real world - being off with the fairies isn't going to do anyone much good, or raise any money.

    I've seen, so often, on the unmanned Parishes that I have spent years researching, , something about Griffiths Valuations. We're all researches, we know that: been there, done that. 

    What we want is not some internet site: something given back to us from the Parish.

    I don't know how many Parishes, today, that  I'm interested in, gave the message: no one at home (or similar) - no volunteers in Ireland interested. That's the long and the short of it.

    What "I" can recommend, though, Robert, as a child of the Diaspora, is a book edited by Kieran Jordan: it's Kiltullagh Killimordaly: as the Centuries Passed: A history from 1500-1900". It was published by Kiltullagh/Killimordaly Historical Society.2000. ISBN 0 9538684 0 0.

    It doesn't have an index, unfortunately, or else I would look up KENNEDY and KILKELLY myself, for you.






    Wednesday 22nd Aug 2012, 07:35AM
  • Hi Di and Robert,

    Robert posted in a couple of places at the time and also sent an email message query through to the IRO head Office. I picked up an email sent through from head office at the time to the Kiltullagh Killimordaly parish email address and there began many emails back and forth between Robert and I in relation to his query.

    Di, I noticed on your profile that you have Gloves South as a connection. The fact that you are aware of Kierans book, you are well clued up already and have a huge head start on alot of people. Hopefully you have had some success with your search, my email is if you have any query, or, if you have the query already posted here somewhere on the message board and I missed it...i will try look into it as best as i can

    All the very best


    Volunteer from the parish of Kiltullagh Killimordaly

    Wednesday 22nd Aug 2012, 06:30PM
  • Hi Robert,

    Sorry you have not got any information. I live in Galway and am trying to trace my roots from here and it is not easy as records are very thin on the ground. So depite the last post it may not be lack of interest but lack of information. As you may know many of the records were destroyed in the 1920's and earlier. I do have a lot of information on Kilkellys in Athenry which is not far from the area you are interested in and Kilc0nieron which is also very close. Alas I do not have any record of the Margaret you are looking for.


    Mike Kilkelly, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 17th Jul 2013, 05:58AM

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