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Kiltullagh ancestry: I  tried, some time ago, to send an e-mail to your representative for Kiltullagh/ Killimordaly but have not had a reply. Can you ask her to e-mail me to start a conversation about my great-great-grandparents?

Robert Kennedy

A new website is now being rolled out and local representative will be in each parish. Can you let us know any info you have about your grand parents to help you.

Tuesday 6th Dec 2011, 02:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Did anybody ever get back to you to help you with this. I live in Kultullagh so might be able to point you in the right direction what details have you got for them.

    Michael Finn

    Tuesday 10th Jan 2012, 04:23PM
  • Mike,

    I've sent you Robert's email address and asked him to contact you with what information he has.

    Thanks for helping,

    regards Dolores

    IRO Office


    Wednesday 8th Feb 2012, 05:08PM
  • duplicate posts created, so I am deleting one and adding Roberts post here in case any one else picks up on it and has info. IRO has been in touch with Robert re some family suggestions.

    I am trying to establish whether my ancestors, Michael Kennedy and his wife, Margaret Kilkelly, lived in Kiltullagh in the early to middle nineteenth century. Michael was said to be a hotel-keeper. His son, also named Michael ,was born somewhere in Galway and emigrated to Australia in 1857.

    I would be very grateful if someone could look into the parish records for births, deaths or marriages of these persons, or supply any other information.

    Robert Kennedy, New Zealand.

    Wednesday 22nd Aug 2012, 07:33PM
  • For Michael Finn

    Hallo Michael.  I'm writing to you because your name is Finn and you live in Kiltullagh.  How far does your family history go back?  My was Sally Lally, born as Sally Finn in 1735 and murdered by her grandson in Knockatogher in 1821.  Any relation?   A long shot, I know.

    I'm in touch with Kieran Jordan and Michelle who live locally and who have been a great help but any help you can give with the Finns that long ago will be appreciated.




    Wednesday 12th Sep 2012, 08:39AM

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