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Thank you very much for your leads.  I will pursue them, although I believe the Daniel Curley I am seeking was born in 1830 per the 1860 Census in Pennsylvania (it states he was 30 years old).  I found a draft record that says he was 36 in June of 1865, which places his birth in 1829 or early 1830.  The Daniel Curley you found was unfortunately not born until 1838. 

Again, thank you giving me new leads!

Ron Krell


Sunday 23rd Feb 2014, 05:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Thank you very much for the marriage information regarding James Flynn & Elizabeth Madden unfortunately for me it doesn't give any information regarding parents of place of abode I am at a loss of where to go from here.


    Monday 24th Feb 2014, 03:06AM

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