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2 May 2013       Re: Eyre’s of Eyreville
Hello from South Australia.  I have been researching my mother's family from around Kiltormer and Ballinasloe. My dear mum talked to us about her family all of her life which we too (my brothers and I) have grown to love hearing about them and feel we know them but in saying that of course mum knew the families of her older age bracket. I’m really unsure of members in their 30– 65/70 age bracket are still around the town, or have spread around the world.
In the 1980s I caught up with some 2nd  & 3rd cousins – the Hyde boys and their families when they visited my mother and father in Adelaide.   Mum has now passed and I have been working on the family tree on and off over the years  but now retired I am finding the time to find out more about my kinfolk.   My mother was a Worthington-Eyre born in Tanunda Sth Aust in 1923 to Robert Eyre Worthington-Eyre and Elizabeth Mary Barter both born in Dublin 1895 and 1896, they married in Wallasey Cheshire England June 1919. My grandfather’s mother was Grace Geraldine Eyre daughter of Thomas Stratford Eyre. My parents visited Ireland in 1972 and 1980 and they met up with Aunt Mary (called  Aunt Mamie) Worthington-Eyre (born 1892, died 1985) and mum’s cousins Charity and Anne plus Aunt Marion my grandfather’s sister.   They also caught up with the Rockford Hyde’s of Aughrim Ballinasloe and the Hayes of Attykee House families. My parents stayed with the Draeper-Eyre family and always had contact with them.  I would love to make contact with some of them and of course return the absolute pleasure of sharing past and present family news from the Australian side.
There is a question I have please      I am a little confused about the correct surname of the wife of Thomas Stratford Eyre Born 1822.  A lot of research gives her name as Marion Dallas Campbell and  other sites as Marion Dallas Russell. I have been unable to find a marriage notice which will give me Marion Dallas's correct maiden name. I would very much appreciate if there is a document with her correct surname at the time of her marriage 13 August 1860 to Thomas Stratford Eyre. Many thanks Angela Mary Eyre Sandery


Thursday 2nd May 2013, 10:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • I too am interested in the Russell:Campbell discussion.  I have found hints that her father was Alexander Russell (or Alexander Campbell.  I have found the Russell name in Allen Stewart Hartigan's book but not the Campbell surname.

    My grandfather Rev William Worthington was convinced he and William Ingram Worthington (who appended the Eyre name) were closely related.  Unfortunately, I haven't found documentation to support this.  He visited with "Uncle Willie" as did his daughter and son.  I have recently visited with the Worthington-Eyre daughters in Aughrim and Kiltormer and I was unsuccessful in finding this missing link.

    Perhaps you have found this link in your research?


    William C. Worthington



    Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 02:13AM
  • Hello William,  thank you for the message. I was so please to receive a message..  I too have been in contact with some relatives in Aughrim, Kiltomrmer and Ballinasloe.  Ann Hyde from Aughrim and I have been communicating via email the past two months.  I meet her and  husband Michael and boys when they visted Adelaide South Australia in the 1980s, at that time my mum and dad were alive and well - my parents have since passed and I miss them dreadfully.  My mum was a Worthington-Eyre and her father  (my grandfather) was Robert Eyre Worthington-Eyre son of William Ingram Worthington (later added Eyre by Royal Licence in 1902) and Grace Geraldine  Eyre. I may be able to help you with some information. Are you currently on  as I am  doing my family tree through that site.  Other than that I am happy to give you my private email addrerss in Adelaide and we may be able to share family tree information.  The Russell Campbell surname is something that needs to be sorted otherwise other links will be out. I have a photocopy of the Haritigan book that my mum did for me and my two brothers and I assume Marion Dallas was a Russell, I'm still checking though.

    I am sure you and I are related as well and it would be wonderful to find/see the connection. My husband Tom and I are planning a visit to Aughrim sometime  mid to late next year.

    I must admit I love the family research it is so interesting and I'm throughly enjoying the contact with family members.

    My email address is:   I am Angela Mary Eyre Sandery from Adelaide South Australia.  My very best wishes to you and your family, kind regards Angela

    PS    William it's now Monday 1 Juy here in Sth Aust and I went back into this email this morning to edit a few spelling errors, nearly cut two fingers off yesterday making soup...  no excuse...  Angela

    Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 11:59PM
  • Hi

    My relative Edmund Silke married Letitia Eyre, born in 1823, daughter of Thomas Stratford Eyre and Grace Fawcett Lynar.

    I haven’t been able to find any other information on them, or details of children born in Ireland and assume they possibly emigrated.

    I’d love to hear from anyone with more details.

    My email is:



    maria silke

    Sunday 14th May 2023, 01:47PM
  • Just stumbled on this. My connection is that my uncle Freeman Dreaper married Charity Worthington-Eyre, I too visited them and Aunt Mamie as a child (from the UK).


    Eileen (née Dreaper)


    Sunday 6th Aug 2023, 08:13PM
  • Hi Eileen

    Thank you for your message.  I would love to find information on Edmund Silke and Letitia Eyre.  I have a record that they married but not a date.  I assume as Letitia was born in 1823, this might have been in the 1840’s.  As I haven’t found any records in Ireland of children, I think this may be because they emigrated.

    My dad, Thomas Silke, born in Kiltormer, Ballinasloe in 1933, knew Charity Eyre.

    It would be great to hear from you with any missing links.


    maria silke

    Saturday 16th Mar 2024, 12:21PM
  • Hi Maria

    I don't have those dates, but I don't know if you have come across the book 'A history of the family of Eyre of Eyrecourt' by Allen Stewart Hartigan? The book is of course no longer available but I do possess some scans of some pictures in it and have found one titled Marion Letitia Eyre if you haven't seen it and want me to email it to you?




    Tuesday 19th Mar 2024, 10:08AM

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