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Looking for DEELY descendants in the LOUGHREA area.

Sunday 25th May 2014, 08:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Glen

    Do you have a time frame in terms of births/marriage etc for this family? I have passed your query to a volunter. I hope she will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 30th May 2014, 12:05PM
  • Hello Glen.

    I found there are Deeley family names buried in the Abbey Graveyard, spelled "Deeley" and "Deely".

    You can access the photo of the headstone where three members of the family are buried, as well as, see a copy of the pages from the internment register here:…;


    This should take you to the "Find A Grave" website page for the Abbey.  Just type in "Deeley" (and then "Deely") and 5 names will show.  Then just click on a name to see the images.


    Since Michael Deeley (1965) shows "White Mills" on the stone, it's very possible someone in the area can connect you with living relatives.


    Thank you,

    Mary Van Dyke



    Friday 30th May 2014, 01:04PM
  • Hi my family is Deely from glenasloth.Let me know if I can help

    Friday 25th Jul 2014, 09:45PM
  • Dear Clare, Mary and Arleen,

    Thank you for the messages.

    My Deely line is from Martin Deely and Sabina Conerney (of Newtowndaly). They had the following children: John, Patrick, Martin, Mary-Francis, Annie, Christina, Tommie, Dot, Lena, Margaret (my Grandmother) and Sean.

    Martin, Tommie and my Grandmother Margaret, stayed in the Loughrea area.

    I believe Martin had two children, with his wife Bridget Coen: Phylis and Mike. Tommie did not have children. I'm not sure if Phylis or Mike had children, but this would be the cousins I'm looking for.

    If any of these names sound familiar, I'd love to hear back from you.

    Kind regards,


    Monday 28th Jul 2014, 02:25PM
  • Hi Glen,Michael Deely (Mike) is my dad ( deceased) and Bridget was my granny.Where did you get names of Michael+ Phillys as there are also 2 more ,Maureen + Joseph?

    Saturday 2nd Aug 2014, 10:30AM

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