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Looking for any connections to the surnames BARLOW or DOWD. Thomas BARLOW was born in 1846,  He married in Tubberoe, Glinsk in 1878 to first wife Maria DOWD.  After she died, he second married in Derreen to Maria HYNES.  In the 1901 census the family is found in Ballymoe; in the 1911 census they are found in Cloonfaghna.

Thomas' father was Patrick BARLOW.  Maria DOWD's parents have not yet been discovered

By Maria DOWD, there were five children - Patrick, George, Mary Anne, Agnes and Ellen.  The youngest four emigrated to te the Baltimore, Maryland area.  Whether the eldest, Patrick, emigrated or remained at home is not known.  The children were born between 1878 and 1887.

By Maria HYNES, there were eight children - Mary Kathleen, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, John Francis, Michael, James George and Edward.  These children were born between 1890 and 1900.  Several emigrated to the Baltimore area; several remained at home.

Will appreciate information anyone can provide regarding any member of this family.


Best regards,

Pat Grady

Tampa, Florida




Monday 18th Mar 2013, 11:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Pat,

    Thomas J Barlow 53 in 1911 census and Brigid (40 ) nee Roarke from Cloonfaughna had 10 children. James, Bea ( Cooper), Molly (Flanagan), Helen (Hosty) and Ann(Shanley) emigrated to their uncle John in Chicago. Gertrude died at a young age. Rita married Pat keane , Turla. Katie married Peter kelly, Gurrane Creggs. She died in childbirth and her daughter Maura Kelly was reared at Barlow's. Maura joined the nun's and is now living in Wales. Tom joined the Carmelites and was ordained in 1941 and spent most of his life in St Josephs priory, Gerrard's cross, Slough, England. John Joe married Mary Conway from Newvillage, Toomard. They had 3 children, Tommy, Jimmy and Bridie. Bridie married Liam Donnelly and live in Dublin with their 5 children. Tommy lives in Cloonfaughna. Jimmy married Marie Dowd from Cloonfaughna and they have 8 children...

    All the best,


    Thursday 21st Mar 2013, 01:18AM
  • Must be another Thomas Barlow family, given that the spouse is different.  Possibly cousins, since both the Thomas Barlow you cite, and mine, are of the same age.  Wonder if they are brothers' children.  My Thomas Barlow's father was Patrick.  I have no details on his spouse, but have identified siblings as George, Annie, Patrick and Mary, although not certain that list is necessarily complete.  None of the siblings I have listed have children of the names you mention.  Do you have any details about the parents of the Thomas you cite?  I wonder if the father could be a brother to my Patrick.

    Interesting that there is a marriage to a Dowd in the family you describe, likely nearby neighbors.


    Tuesday 30th Apr 2013, 02:56PM
  • Hi Pat - please see my message posted today regarding Ballintubber/Ballymoe marriages.  Among the marriages is a Patrick Barlow marrying a Bridget Tighe on Jan 26 1842. (the 9th entry on the document)


    Joe Grandinetti

    Joe Grandinetti

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 07:33PM
  • Joe, many thanks.  This just may be a connection for me.  Gives me a new search path to travel.



    Sunday 9th Feb 2014, 11:47PM

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