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I am looking for ancestors of my 2GGM Bridget Corless (or Conless or Corlis).  Bridget would have been born in or near 1817.  She married Patrick McDonald who may or may not have come from Moylough.  Her parents were James and Bridget.  She and Patrick emmigrated to New York City in the United States in 1834, probably right after her marriage as she appears to have only been 17 at the time.  They eventually settled in Western Massachusetts with their growing family.

I have made three trips to Ireland trying to find and/or confirm where my ancestors came from.  I have fallen in love with Ireland and it is my greatest hope to someday visit the towns where my great great grandparents came from.  Any and all help with be very much appreciated.



Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Nancy:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on Roots Ireland and another data base for Bridget's baptismal and Marriage records with no success.The Dunmore RC records start in March 1833  You may want to search the beginning of the register for a possible marriage record.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?

    Roger mcDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 04:23PM
  • Hello Again,

    I did check those records without any luck. I found a James Corless in the Griffith's Valuation Records which led me to believe that Bridget's father James might have lived in Dunmore in 1855. That and the fact that what I think might be my Patrick's naturalization record stated Moylough which is close enough to Dunmore to make a meeting and marriage possible is what gave me hope that I had found them.  Of course, this could not be them at all.  I will try the autosomal DNA testing and see if it gives another location to try.

    Finding their ancestral towns is at the top of my bucket list. Thank you for your help.


    Sunday 3rd Apr 2016, 04:07PM
  • Dear Nancy,

    My great grandaunt Margaret married a John Corley.  That would have been in the 1880's.  They were from Dunmore.  So they were there!!



    Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 04:53AM

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