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Hi, I'm trying to find the whereabouts of the grave of Fergus and Mary-Ann Glynn. Originally I was told they were in Kilbeacanty new graveyard, as they both died I believe in the 1970's, but having been there recently, it would seem that they are not in the old or new.

It now appears that Shanaglish and Beagh were mentioned as a possibility.. Does anyone know whether there are any sites with a list of the graves? Ive tried the usual online sites.

Many thanks,



John Orrett

Tuesday 10th May 2016, 04:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi John

    Have you had a look here to see if the Burial Book is listed in the Archives? If so, you can ask the archivist to check it for you:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 27th May 2016, 01:44PM
  • Hi Clare, many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the link you provided keeps coming up with an error.

    Best wishes,


    John Orrett

    Saturday 28th May 2016, 09:04AM
  • Sorry, John, a bad link there. You could have a look at the County Council Archives Database and contact the archivist to see if she has the burial book in the collection

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 30th May 2016, 10:21AM
  • Thanks again Clare, will do.

    Best wishes


    John Orrett

    Tuesday 31st May 2016, 07:49AM

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