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My family is the Madden family of Timicat, parish Kilkerrin, and our ancestors were Patrick Madden (1802-1879) and his wife Honoria Kelly (1805-1870).  Patrick's was one of about 8 Madden families known to have lived in Timicat in the early 19th century.  Given the large number of families there, I had always figured the Maddens had been residing there for a long time.  However, the Tithe Applotment lists only 1 name in Timicat, a James Finn, and the parish records for Killkerrin have not survived, so I have no direct evidence of Madden presence there prior to Griffith's Valuation.

I recently discovered the marriage record of a Patrick Madden to an Honoria Kelly in 1825 in Tynagh.  The only record of them I have found after that is a single baptismal record for a son Patrick in Ballynakill (Leitrim) in 1840.  This is about when I would have expected "my" Patrick and Honoria to have married, and I do know they had a son named Patrick but whose birth date is unknown.  They had many other children besides.

Given that "Patrick Madden" and "Honoria Kelly" were not uncommon names in east Galway, I'm not sure whether to think that the couple who married in Tynagh are my ancestors or not.  Does anyone know of evidence that Patrick's family remained in the Tynagh and Loughrea area?  And does anyone know how common or uncommon it would have been for a family to have migrated 40 miles (possibly during the depths of the Famine), to resettle in a new area?  That is about the distance between Loughrea and Kilkerrin.

Thanks for any help.



Friday 25th Mar 2016, 02:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Brain

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    I have asked a volunteer in the area to take a look at this and await a reply

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 10:57AM
  • Hi Brian, 

    My husbands Madden's may be from the same lines. His family left Roscommom near the river Shannon before 1840 for Canada. Names are similar. I'd be happy to compare notes with you.

    Debi Madden


    Saturday 22nd Jul 2017, 05:50PM

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