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looking for family of margaret and michael Mitchel.  Margaret born approx 1812 came to USA and settled in Mt savage MD.  She married Patrcik Garrity born Ireland.  her brother Michael Mitchel came to USA approx 1840.  She also had a brother Patrick Francis who settled in Cincinnati OH around 1850.

linda a garrity

Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 09:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • lindaag:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC records for Ahascragh do not start until 1840 for baptisms and 1866 for marriages

    The 1855/1856 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Ahascragh civil parish shows a number of Mitchell records almost all in one of the Lissyegan townlands.

    You may want to consider autosomal DNA testing.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Mar 2016, 02:08AM
  • Thank you, I should have mentioned that Margaret Mitchel and Patrick Garrity were living in state of Maryland USA in very early 1840's.  Both Roman Catholic. 

    Also, I have just completed DNA testing, not sure how to proceed with my DNA test results to locate relatives in Ireland?  Would appreciate any assistance!

    linda garrity

    linda a garrity

    Monday 28th Mar 2016, 12:18PM
  • Linda:

    Ancestry DNA or Family Tree? DNA testing for people in Ireland is just taking off. More than likely you will match descendants of Garritys or Mitchells who emigrated to the USA, Canada, Australia etc. They may be 3rd or 4th cousins. Let me know and I will try to assist.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 29th Mar 2016, 05:25PM
  • yes i completed DNA testing thru Ancestry last year and I have started a family tree on Ancestry as well.    I have been searching for relatives for about 20 years!  Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  How do I search DNA results of people tested in Ireland?

    In the Griffith's valuation for Galway 1850 (from link that you provided)  I found Mitchel's and Geraghty's including a Patrick Geraghty!  (I have found that spelling used by my dad's great uncle)  What are chances my grgrgrandmother and grgrgrandfather were both from Galway?

    thank you in advance,


    linda a garrity

    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 12:13PM
  • My Mitchells emigrated to the US later than yours from Lisseyegan, Ahascragh- the earliest came in 1881. They went to Philadelphia. My grandfather then continued on to San Francisco. I was in Lisseyegan in 1999 and there were NO Mitchells living there. There are ONLY Leonards (which were actually my great grandmother's side). There were a large number of Mitchells in the cemetaries.  My brother and I have both had our DNA done- though thru Family Tree DNA.

    I am unclear why you want DNA results from people in Ireland vs emigrants from the same townland fin Ireland- to the US the relationships would be the same.    Joan


    Friday 21st Oct 2016, 06:55PM
  • Dear Joan,

    I would love to find relatives anywhere!  Looking for both sides Garrity/Geraghty and the Mitchell side.  I completed DNA through Ancestry 2 yrs ago.  I will check into Family Tree site, should  I assume I would have to repeat the DNA test process?  Have you connected to Mitchell's here in the US?  Would love to know!  Awaiting your response.

    linda garrity


    linda a garrity

    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 03:43PM
  • Joan, I saw your response to Linda's message - that you had Mitchell family members that came to Philadelphia in the 1880s.  Are there any Rafterys / Raffertys in your family immigration history?

    My great-great grandmother was Catherine Mitchell of Lisseygan townland.  She was born around 1840.  She married John Raftery (his townland was West Acre but in the RC parish records he is identified as being from the surrounding townland of Clonshee).  Catherine and John had eight children.  Six of them immigrated to the U.S.  The earliest one to immigrate was my great-grandmother Mary Raftery.  She went to Bordentown NJ (where she had Raftery relatives) but she moved to Philadelphia after she married my great-grandfather (Thomas Connolly).  Several of her siblings - including Ann Marie Raftery Burke, Malachy Raftery and John Raftery lived in Philadelphia.

    I haven't done DNA testing - I was looking into it but got slightly overwhelmed by the options and couldn't actually decide which one to do.  Can you tell me where testing program you used?


    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 04:55PM
  • Colleen,


    I have always used family tree DNA.  The most recent test available is Autosomal which provides information on both parents- not limited to just father, grandfather, great grandfather... like the Y test or MTDNA which really is a waste of money in my opinion. I would reccommend the autosomal test butI would also reccommend a book on the topic- maybe "Genetic Genealogy in Practice" by Bettinger and Wayne. It is a new book and covers all the tests available at the moment not in TECHNICAL terms!!

    ISOGG is a group that is very helpful in helping people understand DNA- you might want to look at their website:   Joan





    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 06:16PM
  • Gillespie/Mitchell

    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 06:53PM
  • Linda,

    I have been doing family genealogy since my kids were born as I couldn't even fill in the baby book. ;-) Started asking all my relatives that were alive at the time , who didn't know much but then traveled to Salt Lake City to the Family History Center got a lot of information there. I have connected to all my Mitchells they all came here to Philadelphia to start. Once I found their emigration record I found them in the censuses and tracked them forward and then wrote letters to them. Some could care less and others were interested. We shared what we could. My family has stayed in CA or close by while a lot of the others are still around Philadelphia. Most of my "Mitchell" relatives don't have that last name now unless they are the direct male line. I'm not sure how this helps you?  Joan



    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 07:28PM

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