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I am researching the family of John Curley and Mary Stanton/Staunton and their children who lived at House 11 Kilglass, Ahascragh according to the 1901 Census. John died in May 1904. Any information relating to the families of John and Mary would be most appreciated. I believe all John's siblings  may have emigrated to Australia.


Sophia 7


Monday 1st Aug 2016, 08:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • I liv about five miles from Ahascragh so I will see what i Can locate for you.  Can you give me any more detail like a townland, etc to go on.  Have you visited the area and got local info?   Any ideas who they may have married it to?   Leave it with me.  Have you tried researching on a new site called ROOTS IRELAND it is excellent for Ireland, there is a charge but works out well if you go for a good subscription and can share with other irish seeking info.  You can now since a few weeks ago use it for jus 24 hours so it miht be worth trying it out on that for a trial.    Mary Garbally Demesne, Ballinaloe, on the Ahascragh Road


    Monday 1st Aug 2016, 11:55PM
  • Tuesday 2nd Aug 2016, 12:02AM
  • Mary Curley, my 2nd great-grandmother was born about 1820 in Galway.  She arrived in Australia in 1841 with her sister Honorah on board the "Jane Gifford".  Honorah was probably about sixteen.  In the shipping record it was noted she could read but not write.  Her farther was recorded as Malachi Curley of Ahaseragh, a widower and servant.  In the Irish Catholic Parish Baptisms I recently found an Honora Correlly who was baptised on 18th March 1827 at the parish church of St.Michael at Ballinasloe.  The father's name was recorded as Michi.  I am wondering if we are researching the same family.  Joan




    Joan H @ NZ

    Tuesday 2nd Aug 2016, 05:17AM





    Hermine and Joan,

    Thank you for your replies.I have found the family of John Curley of Kilglass. He was the son of Pat Curley and Bridget Stanton and married Mary Nolan of Ervilla in Feb. 1868 in Ahascragh Church. They had 8 children. Thanks again.



    Tuesday 9th Aug 2016, 07:32PM
  • Researching the Curley family as well.

    4 of Patrick & Bridget's Children. Matthew, Patrick, Jane & Bridget imigrated to Victoria, Australia, Matthew is my main line.

    trying to research the rest of the family in Kilgrass now,



    Sunday 14th Aug 2016, 02:42PM
  • Hi Steve,

    I am researching the Curley family with a great grand daughter of Matthew who is living in Australia. We are aware that 4 of the children emigrated to Australia. I have tracked down the 5th sibling John who remained at home and married and settled in Kilglass. His family and mine were neighbours in Kilglass according to the 1901 and 1911 census. In fact he may have married an ancestor of my family. I am sure we may be able to help each other. I cannot get any data on Patrick and Bridget's families prior to their marriage which I am guessing took place in the late 1820's nor can I find the actual baptism record for any of the 5 children. Where are you based? If you wish contact me directly

    Regards, Gerald Nolan, Dublin




    Wednesday 17th Aug 2016, 07:55PM

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