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Would like to find out information re the following marriage

Name: Patk Connolly                       Event Type: Marriage

Spouse: Kitty Craven

Marriage Date: Jan 11th 1824      Marriage Place: Abbeyknockmoy, Galway, Ireland

Parish Variants: Monivea    Diocese: Tuam.



Sunday 26th Feb 2017, 09:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • BobMax:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Can you clarify what information you are looking for related to the marriage?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 26th Feb 2017, 10:47PM
  • My Great-Great-Grandfather...Patrick Connolly moved from County Galway through the Mid-lands and further east of the Country early 1800's (This information came from family members)

    He married a person called Craven (this I know from a document)

    He became a well known Race Horse Trainer.

    From early 1830's I can follow his life.

    It is before 1830 I was not able to find any information, until now!

    I have now found this document: Patrick Connolly married Kitty Craven

    Marriage Date: Jan 11th 1824      Marriage Place: Abbeyknockmoy, Galway, Ireland

    Looking for any information on this Patrick Connolly and Kitty Craven??

    Is there a connection?

    Thanking you.

    Monday 27th Feb 2017, 11:58AM
  • Bob:

    Did your Patrick marry before heading east? Likely this is the marriage record for your ancestors but it would be very hard to prove one way or the other. Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 28th Feb 2017, 01:35AM
  • What I call "Hear-say" - Pat Connolly was born about the year 1790? and Pat came from the West of Ireland (possibly Co Galway) with a person named Blake, also connected with horse racing, and Blake settled in Co. Laois and Pat came on to the Curragh

    This if "Fact" got from Racing journals etc. - Pat was working with race horses in Waterford Lodge, Curragh in 1810.

    In 1830 Pat bought a site from a family named Walsh and built Curragh View stables overlooking the Curragh plains from the western edge.

    Pat held the first public training licence in Ireland. Up to this time it was the owner who held the training licence.

    Pat's wife's name was Craven.

    Their first child were born around 1825, '26

    This is the first time I got a marriage with Connolly/Craven around the mid 1820's and it is in Galway?

    From 1830 I have a full family history. I wish to move back if possible.

    Tuesday 28th Feb 2017, 05:21PM

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