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Hi all.

I am trying to find information about my grandmother.  Her name at birth was Susan Davis and I'm told that she was born in Belleek about 1892. Her fathers name was John Davis and her mother was Susanna Davis nee Flagherty.

I was told that John and Susanna had a child called Susan born in 1890 but she died and they named their next child Susan also. I have checked with PRONI but they could only find the 1890 birth. I contacted PRONI again and was told that they only hold the parish records for Templecarn up to 1880 an said i should get in touch with the parish and ask them do do a search.

Does anyone know wherethe parish records are kept.  I have been trying to find contact numbers for catholic churches in the Belleek areabut no success even on google.

Can anyone help? Please.

My email is


Thursday 7th Mar 2013, 01:12AM

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