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Looking for any information on my 2x greatgrandmother, Margaret Becum who married a John Curry in County Fermanagh and then left for Australia from Tobermory, Scotland on the barque "George Fife" on 16th September, 1839, as assisted immigrants, arriving in Sydney, Australia on 25th January, 1940.

Her surname is spelt Becum on her death certificate and her daughters birth certificate, but any search has shown no one of that name, so it may be that the correct spelling of her surname is something different.

Thanking you in anticipation, as this is a major brickwall for me.

Yours truly,

Bill Willett.

Wednesday 7th Aug 2013, 02:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • Almost certainly it was Beacom. You can search the Fermanagh Gold website and I am sure you will find many. There are several Beacom researchers on the Fermanagh Gold list and if you give me a contact email I can ask that if any are still around that they contact you direct.


    Bob Graham (County Ferrmanagh XO)


    Wednesday 7th Aug 2013, 06:24PM

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