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Hi! We are wanting information about my hubby's family, as his dad Beauclerc Crozier, left this area in the early 1900s for New Zealand, and we don't know much more! We are coming to visit the area in August 2016 and would be grateful for any information, especially connecting us to possible living relations in Ireland/England. Janet Crozier



Tuesday 12th Jan 2016, 06:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Do you know what your husband's grandparents' names were and estimated dates of birth?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 12th Jan 2016, 04:19PM
  • Yes! They were John George Crozier, b. 1869; and Jessie Florence Staples, b. 1881. Yes, we know they were imprisoned and what for. We don't know if there are any living relatives in the UK/Ireland but would like to know asap as we are coming to Ireland/UK in August/September this year. I have been trying for about 20 years to find out more, with little success. I can find John's ancestors but they are confusing as they tend to be called John Crozier a lot!

    Thanks, Janet Crozier




    Wednesday 13th Jan 2016, 07:29AM
  • Jessie's father was Walter Staples, from Dublin, and I think his wife may have been Maria. I think there were other children.

    John's mother was Anne Tymons, and her parents were James and Frances (née Blood). James' dad may have been a John. France's parents were Michael and Cecilia Compton. Michael's dad was William Blood.

    I think John George may have had a sister: Frances A Vesey; who may have had a son.

    John George was first married to Marian Georgiana Bingham, who had a sister called Geraldine. Marian had 3 children: John Spencer Noel, Helena Inez and George Amar Lucan. I don't know what happened to the last two after John and Jessie were imprisoned, or even what happened to John and Jessie.

    John George's paternal grandmother was Frances Bailey, and her parents were Alexander and Everina Rosborough. Everina's father was Thomas Rosborough, b. Around 1776. I think Thomas's dad was a John Rosborough.

    John's paternal Grandfather was John Crozier, as was his father, and at least 7 others in the paternal generational line, going back to a Nicolas Crozier I think born in 1445, died in 1520. The dates I have are sketchy, and the wives going back were Catherine Rosborough (d. 1845), and Mary Spear  Fiddes. Catherine's parents were Thomas (b. Around 1700) and Frances Barton, daughter of William Barton, b around 1735.

    Most of this I have found online so hope they are true! Hope this is useful! I appreciate the help.

    Janet :)


    Wednesday 13th Jan 2016, 07:47AM
  • Dear Janet,

    Have you & your family arrived in Fermanagh yet? If not, what are your visiting dates?

    Can you send me an email to: and I will reply via that means.

    Many thanks,

    K. Morrison




    Monday 29th Aug 2016, 09:55AM
  • I take it you have searched both and Irish genealogy for any reference to  siblings of John and Jessie or any other children they may have had?

    I see Walter is mentioned on the Census HERE in 1901 and HERE in 1911. He was a butler in Carton House, Maynooth and had 4 children.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 2nd Sep 2016, 09:29AM
  • Hi Janet,

    I found this post on the internet because I was doing some research on the Croziers of Newtownbutler.  My late father was born and brought up on a neighbouring farm (he often helped out on John's farm when they needed extra hands; this would have been in the 1930s) and we grew up hearing "the story". In fact one of my cousins owns and lives on that farm now.  There was (and still is!) superstitions about living there so it remained empty quite awhile until he bought the place.  The original house was demolished and rebuilt a bit further back.  If you did visit you would know its still a rather imposing house on top of the hill!  My father always said that Helena and George went back to Dublin to stay with their mother's family after their father was prosecuted.  There was also a rumour that George came back many years later (he was an elderly man by then) and stood at the bottom of the lane looking up at the then derelict house for quite a long time but then walked away back into town.  Anyway, if you pick this message up it I would lbe interest to know how your visit went, if you manged to track down any family members and if you visited Newtownbutler (I think Jessie was buried there). I'd also be happy to share more of my recollections so we cold exchange email addresses.  Anne 







    Friday 12th Jan 2018, 08:51PM
  • Hello Anne! How wonderful to find your post! We did not get to the UK but are still wanting to, :) I would love to exchange email addresses. we are at: Thank you!!






    Tuesday 31st Mar 2020, 03:40AM

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