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Thank you, Sean. This is my great great grandfather. Whose father was also Patrick born in the 1790's probably in Enniskellen.  your information is accurate and mostly known to us but does include some things we did not know.  I would be interested in finding out the name of the elder Patrick's wife who came to Iowa and died in 1848 on the day she arrived in the town they settled in.  again, thanks

Thursday 31st Oct 2013, 05:21PM

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  • Hi - Thank you for your message. I'm glad that you have had a bit of success on our site. You may wish to repost your replay to the original message thread to ensure that 'Sean' recieves your message.


    Best of luck with your research.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy support.



    Tuesday 14th Jan 2014, 10:53AM

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