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Im looking for info on my x3 great grandparents Patrick Martin b. circa 1798 in Enniskillen & his wife Jane Bleakley.

I believe they where from Fermanagh (Enniskillen, Derryvullen, Corrard & Maquiresbridge) and where Irish Catholic

Patrick & Jane apparently married in Maquiresbridge around 1824

Patrick & his kids came to Australia in stages between 1857 & 1865. Jane apparently died in Ireland. I have no clue of Janes birth

I would like to find out if possible;

Who Patrick parents & siblings are.
Who Janes parents and siblings are
When Jane approximately died

Thank you

Tuesday 26th Dec 2017, 12:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • Volunteers:  

    This message was posted before (12/24) and slightly modified . Below is the response I provided to Nathaniel previously. I did not find a marriage around 1824 for a Jane Bleakley in Fermanagh on




    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    None of the RC parishes in Co. Fermanagh have records back to 1800 so you won't find any info to tell you who the parents were and any siblings. You mention a John in your message. Was he a son of Patrick and Jane?

    Civil registration of deaths started in 1864 so if Jane died before 1864, no record will be available.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 26th Dec 2017, 04:43PM
  • John (my gg grandpa) was the oldest son of Patrick Martin & Jane Bleakley

    Wednesday 27th Dec 2017, 03:13AM

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