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I am researching John Cunningham from Cleenish who immigrated to New South Wales, born about 1826  in County Fermanagh, father possibly a Henry Cunningham and mother named Mary.

Does anyone have any informationt that may match this,

Thank you,



Tuesday 15th Jul 2014, 08:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • Sandra:

    Not sure of your familys religious denomination. The RC records for Cleenish do not start until 1835. Presbyterian records start in 1849 and I can't tell the closest Church of Ireland parish. You may want to try the Fermanagh Gold site to see if you can find any relevant information.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 15th Jul 2014, 02:31PM
  • hi,

    There were two CUNNINGHAMs in Cleenish in Griffiths c.1862...…

    Henry CUNNINGHAM farmed at LETTERBREEN Townland...

    It looks like the family have left by 1901...…

    CUNNINGHAMs at Gardrum are still around in 1901...…

    There seem to be a number of family trees on ancestry with John CUNNINGHAM on them, but I do not have a membership...…





    Wednesday 16th Jul 2014, 01:00PM
  • My grandfather was Catholic, my Grandmother wasn't, my Mum is non-religous CoE and I was baptised CoE. So the Cunninghams were probably Catholic.

    Thank you for your help,


    Wednesday 16th Jul 2014, 02:31PM
  • Thank you.

    I am on and have trawled all the info on there that I can find, and would like to see if there are any primary source records or local information about this Irish connection. I have another connection in another branch. Peter Larkin from Galway was transported for Life for Sedition, to NSW in about 1820, About 3 years later he was able to have his wife and four children brought out, he got a Ticket of Leave and then a Pardon a couple of years later, and he lived until 90 years old. Which was a happy ending for them all, I think. Not the least for me. :)

    Wednesday 16th Jul 2014, 03:01PM


    Hi Sandra. 

    your Henry and Mary are also my 4x great grandparents.

    I am descended from John's convict sister Mary.

    please eMail me at and I may be able to give you some info on the family, however I am also trying to find out more on Henry. I know Henry had a father also named Henry who was born in 1710 in Enniskillen also.

    Mel Connor


    Mel C

    Wednesday 28th Oct 2020, 11:56PM

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