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My great grandfather, Robert Shaw, was born approximately 1840, I believe in County Fermanagh (or possibly Sligo).  He married Anne Cooke (widow, nee Best) at  Parish Church, Aghavea on 16 March 1871.  He was Church of Ireland, as was his wife.  I understand he died before 1901, as Anne is living with her daughter/daugher-in-law in Belfast by then and in the census is stated as being a widow.  Does anyone have any knowledge of Robert.  I am particularly looking for his birth and death.

Many thanks.



Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 03:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen,

    If you think Robert may have died in the Aghavea area, then there?s only 1 death that fits. That was registered in Lisnaskea Jan - Mar 1880 Vol 3, page 194. Est year of birth 1844. It might be worth getting a copy of that to see if it?s him.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 04:55PM
  • Elwyn

    I will do as you say - I am so very grateful to you.  Thank you, Elwyn.



    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 05:47PM
  • Elwyn

    Just checked marriage of his son, Lindsay (John) Shaw in 1892 to Anne Magee, and it doesn't state that he is deceased, so I can only presume Robert Shaw was still alive then!!  Would it state if he was deceased on his son's marriage certificate?



    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 06:14PM
  • Maureen,

    It was rare to see deceased on an Irish marriage certificate. You do occasionally see it but mostly they didn?t say. So don?t conclude that he was still alive in 1892 on that basis.  (If you are used to Scottish certificates, they are pretty meticulous about recording when a parent was dead, but Ireland was very different on that aspect).

    Another thing you can check are the revaluation records. Where were Robert and his wife living after they married? The revaluation records may tell you when he died. What was Robert?s townland on the marriage certificate, or where were the children born?



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 06:52PM
  • Hi Elwyn

    OK, I understand what you are saying.  Just had a look at his marriage certificate:  It is as follows:

    16th March 1871 at Parish Church in the parish of Aghavea, County Fermanagh.  

    Robert Shaw, full age, bachelor, labourer, Father: Lindsay Shaw (servant)

    Residence at the time of marriage: Tattykeeran

    To:  Anne Cooke, full age, WIDOW, formerly Best, 

    Residence at the time of marriage: Tattykeeran.  Father: John Best (labourer)

    Their children:

    Eliza Jane Shaw, b 1867 Brookeborough, Lisnaskea

    Robert Shaw b 1867 - ditto

    Margaret Shaw b 1871 - ditto

    Lindsay Shaw b 1873 - ditto

    John Shaw b 1876 - ditto

    Mary Shaw b 1878 - County Fermanagh

    It states on baptism record for Mary (1878) that father's birth place was Stonepark.  On John's baptism record (1876) it states father's birth place as Tattynuckle.

    Hope this helps.




    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 07:28PM
  • Maureen,

    Tattykeeran is a townland between Brookborough and Tempo. I suppose it?s about a mile north of Brookborough.

    I looked at the revaluation records but there?s no sign of Robert in it. That?s not unusual if he was a labourer. Many labourers cottages were of too low a value to be listed in Griffiths. However it was a possibility. Unfortunately it hasn?t worked!

    The two possible places of Robert?s birth, Tattynuckle and Stonepark both exist. Tattynuckle is a townland is in Aghalurcher parish. It?s just beside the main Belfast road, after Lord Brookborough?s estate (when travelling towards Belfast). Stonepark is in Kinawley parish. It?s on the B108 just outside Derrylin. So at least you know which sets of parish records to look at to try and find his baptism. I don?t think either parish?s Church of Ireland records are on-line anywhere and you would need to look at the copies in PRONI, Belfast.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 08:16PM
  • Thank you, Elwyn, for your hard work.  Many years ago, I came over to Ireland and was fortunate enough to meet up with a man called Frankie Roofe, in Enniskillen Town Hall.  He found the marriage for Robert Shaw, etc, for me.  That was many years ago, but I do remember he found a Robert Shaw in what I thought was Griffiths, but maybe not as you haven't been able to find anything - it could have been flax growers - it was a long time ago now and I didn't keep a record.  Anyway, thank you again and at least I now know which parish records to look at, as you say - just need to make another trip over at some point.






    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 08:28PM
  • Maureen,

    Griffiths was essentially a list of people with some land (it was created for taxation purposes). So it?s not a list of everyone in Ireland, just those with land, and generally, property with a notional rental value of ?5 a year or more. Labourers cottages/cabins sometimes weren?t included. Nor would you find servants (eg Robert?s father) and others who weren?t heads of households etc. There are about 6 or 7 Robert Shaws in Griffiths in Co Fermanagh but none in Aghavea or the other 2 parishes mentioned. That and the fact he was a labourer makes me think yours wasn?t listed at all. (He certainly isn?t in Tattykeeran). I also looked in Brookborough for you, 1864 to 1878. That?s the townland of Aghalun. He isn?t listed there either, though there are quite a few houses just marked ?lodgers?.




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 09:24PM
  • Hi Elwyn

    OK, thank you once again for your hard work.  I am beginning to wonder if he left Brookeborough and went to Belfast. It looks like most of his children went there at some point and indeed, Anne (his wife) was there in 1901 and 1911 living with daughter (from memory).  As I say, she was listed as a widow; perhaps Robert died in Belfast, I don't know.  Anyway, thank you again; you have answered so many questions that I wouldn't have been able to do.




    Sunday 2nd Feb 2014, 11:07AM

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