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I am looking for information on Richard Thompson who seems coming from that region, he has a son Joseph Thompson, who was with Ann Moran, baptism in Dublin, parrish St-John the Evangelist, he left Dublin to go Canada, where he married Ann Moran. He live in Levis, Qc Canada. I am a french speaking person but I can read english.

He was baptism on 9/06/182 at the parrish of St-John the Evangelist in Dublin. 

Louis Pag?
Email :


Monday 8th Sep 2014, 03:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Louis
    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Can you confirm the baptism year for us please?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 16th Sep 2014, 03:31PM
  • My ancestor Josepf Thompson was baptism in june 1782 at st-john the evangelist parrish in Dublin.


    I read tha his father came form Farmagagh.


    Louis Pag?

    Email :


    Tuesday 16th Sep 2014, 08:41PM
  • Dear Louis

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    There is a baptism listed on for a Joseph Thompson, baptised on 9th June 1782 in the Church of Ireland Parish of St. John's, Dublin. Joseph's father was listed as Richard and is mother Hannah or 'Hanh' as is recorded.

    You could use this free site to search for other children of Richard and Hannah and for their marriage record.

    The Register Number is: Book Number Page Entry Number Record_Identifier 3 66 N/R DU-CI-BA-96519 Let me know what you think!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 17th Sep 2014, 10:27AM
  • I knew that. I need more.


    Louis Pag?

    Wednesday 17th Sep 2014, 10:00PM
  • Dear Louis

    Have you tried using the site above to search for other children of Richard and Hannah or for Anne's baptism? There is a John listed in another parish in 1774 and an Anne in 1787 who may be siblings of your Joseph? As this is a free site, you can spend all the time you like searching on it. 

    Have a look and perhaps you will also be able to find a marriage for these two (assuming they didn't emigrate too). I didn't see a marriage for Richard and Hannah though. 

    This link will give you an idea of the civil parishes involved:……

    Your search is quite early, so it would be difficult to link those mentioned above to the 1901/1911 Census with any accuracy as there are a lot of Thompson entries in 1901:…

    Do you think there are any further sources you could check your side that would provide any further information about the family?

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 




    Friday 19th Sep 2014, 02:30PM

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