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We are searching in Dublin for the surname of Bennett, Kenny and Graham.

Date era early 1800's

Bennett & Kenny are from Drumhecknagh, Kilmore Parish, County Cavan, Ireland.

Graham are from Derryvullan Parish, Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland

These are my 2nd Great Grandparents.

Thursday 6th Jun 2013, 10:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • hi,

    There are a number of people on a mailing list I belong to researching GRAHAM ancestors.

    I have posted a question to the list and will put you in contact with any of them that are researching the family from Derryvollen.

    There were GRAHAMs in the Derryvollen area in 1659.

    From memory they were a Border Reiver family brought over by Planters to farm land and keep the native Irish population quiet - the Irish had had their land confiscated and were not very happy about it !!

    There is a book called "The Steel Bonnets: Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers".

    I will post further information when I come across any.




    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 09:33AM
  • Thank You Sean,

    I do show a John Graham born 1673 in Belfast

    I show his son Thomas born 1703 in Fermanagh and did belong to the Derryvullan Parish.

    The Grahams were my 2nd Great Grandmothers family.

    She was some who moved to Canada in 1822.

    Im looking for information on my 2nd Great Grandfathers side.

    All our information stops at 1821 and we cant find anything before that.

    My understanding is my 3rd Great Grandmother stayed in Ireland instead of coming to Canada

    and that she was widowed at that time with 2 younger children William born 1811 and Ellen born 1814.

    Thank you for any help.   Vic

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 11:10AM
  • hi,

    I have directed the people researching the GRAHAMs to this thread, hopefully they will post details of their families.

    From: Alf Morritt
    Sent: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 10:45
    Subject: Re: GRAHAM family

    My british gg grandfather Robert Bent 's second wife was Sarah Graham, born c.1822 Enniskillen.
    Her father was Henry. That is all I know.
    Ironically this Robert's granddaughter is also from enniskillen born approx 1855 Susan Hamilton.

    I believe the families may have been known to each other. The only other thing can offer, is the hamiltons were Methodists. I happy to hear about any graham s in Fermanagh.

    Cheers, BEv


    I will contact later today when I get home with details of this Graham family.

    Bob Graham > > > > >


    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 11:50AM
  • Contact me directly

    I have extensive data on Fermanagh Grahams.


    Bob Graham

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 12:27PM
  • hi,

    People on the 1630 Muster Roll List were responsible for keeping peace in the area.


    "Fermanagh was largely planted with moss-troopers from the Scottish border, men used to fighting and cattle-reiving; and tradition hath it that they were specially selected, by reason of their training, to form a rampart against the Connaught border.

    Thus it is that we find the Johnstons of Annandale in such profusion in the county, the Armstrongs, Elliotts, Beattys (of Beattock) in Drumbries, the Scotts, Nixons, Kirkpatricks, Grahams, Creightons, Maxwsells, Moffetts, &c.

    Other Scotch names like those of Morrison, Campbell, Dundas, Cathcart, Mitchell, Gregg, Murray, Henderson, Irvine, Stwart, will be found in the Muster Roll, as illustrating the point.

    It will reveal the antiquity of several of the local farming families, and the predominance of the Scottish race in some baronies.

    The copy of the original transcript (Mss.4770 in British Museum) was kindly supplied to me by Rev. W.H. Dundas."

    The following GRAHAMs were on the list - the second name on the entry would probably be the name of the Planter who owned the Freehold.

    County Fermanagh / 1630 Muster Roll
    Grahame John Magerstefynny & Clankelly
    James Lord Ballfowre Barron of Clannally, undertaker of 5000 Acres  

    Graham Robert Swd.& P. Magerstefynny & Clankelly
    James Lord Ballfowre Barron of Clannally, undertaker of 5000 Acres  

    Graham Robert P. Magerstefynny & Clankelly
    James Lord Ballfowre Barron of Clannally, undertaker of 5000 Acres  

    Graham James Swd. Magerstefynny & Clankelly
    James Lord Ballfowre Barron of Clannally, undertaker of 5000 Acres  

    Graham Fargus Swd.&P. Magerbuy
    Sir William Cole knight undertaker of 1000 Acres  

    Graham George Magerbuy
    Sir William Cole knight undertaker of 1000 Acres  

    Graham George Swd.&P. Magerbuy
    Sir John Hume knight undertaker of 3500 Acres  

    Graham James Swd.&P. Magerbuy
    Sir John Hume knight undertaker of 3500 Acres




    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 12:33PM
  • I am also researching my family in Fermanagh.

    Working backwards, my great grandfather John Graham was born in Cappy on the 14th October 1874.

    His parents Richard Graham and Elizabeth Coyle were married in Enniskillen on 10th July 1873. I've found a record of this marriage on the site where a transcription error lists Richard's surname as "Strahan" but gives his address as Farnawillan with his occupation and that of his father as "Farmer".

    I cannot find a record of Richard's birth which would have been around 1854 but his parents Richard Graham and Sarah Craig were married in Lisnakea on the 20th December 1851. Richard a labourer is recorded as residing in Tattyknuckle.

    Richard's father was another Richard also recorded on the certificate of the 1851 marriage above, as a labourer.

    Other children of Richard and Sarah were Anne Jane Graham (1865 in Florencecourt), Mary Graham (1869) and Margaret Graham (1873).

    I've previously been in contact with Bob Graham on the above and would welcome any further assistance into the early 1800's era that you are researching.



    David C Graham.




    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 07:54PM
  • Hello David,

    Not sure I can help. My Grahams are from my 2nd Great Grandmother, Mary Ann Graham born 1811 in Fermanagh.

    She was about 11 when her family moved to Canada.

    I do show Mary Ann having one sister Maria Jane Graham but no birth record.

    Mary Ann's father Noble Graham born 1775 in Fermanagh

    To his father Christopher Graham born 1746 in Fermanagh

    To his father Thomas Graham born 1703 in Fermanagh

    Then stops at his father John Graham borm 1673 in Belfast. My 6th Great Grandfather

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 08:45PM
  • Hi Vic.

    No problem.

    Looks like your family line has left Fermanagh prior to my 3rd grt grandparents marriage.

    Thanks for the reply. Good luck with your research.


    David C Graham


    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 09:04PM

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