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I am seeking information about Mary Crowley and her family.  She was baptized 8 Feb 1863 at Blarney Parish.  The record indicates that the family resided at Kilcronin, Whitechurch in the vicinity of Blarney.  Her parents were James Crowley (b 1829) and Catherine Foley (1834-1901).  To my knowledge she had the following siblings: Daniel (1861), Mary (1863), Bridget (1865), Michael (1867), Catherine (1869), and Timothy (1871).

Daniel married a Catherine McCarthy and resided in Blarney village.  I am unclear on what happened to the other siblings.

I believe this Mary is my great-grandmother and that she emigrated to the Boston area in the early 1880's.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Patrick Murphy

Chicago, Illinois, USA



Thursday 29th Nov 2012, 04:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi 

    Thank you for your message.


    Do you know much about her emigration? The dates, the reason why she left, who she may have travelled with?..etc..Generally more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. If you knew which city they arrived at (e.g. Liverpool, New York, etc.), this could be a good place to find more information. 

    Ellis Island:


    US National Archives/Immigration info:

    The Boston Pilot; From October 1831 through October 1921, the Boston Pilot newspaper printed a ?Missing Friends? column with advertisements from people looking for ?lost? friends and relatives who had emigrated from Ireland to the United States. This extraordinary collection of 40,743 records is available here as a searchable online database, which contains a text record for each ad that appeared in the Pilot.

    If you haven't already - you might try checking Civil registration records which are available from the General Register Office (GRO). These start from 1864. You can access the website here: for the siblings. 


    Valuations office in Dublin ( will have a record of the land registry from 1855 to modern times. This will assist in seeing what happened to any land the family may have owned.

    Some sites that might be helpful are:

    The National Archives of Ireland


    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:


    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 



    Tuesday 29th Jan 2013, 01:22PM

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