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My father's grandmother, according to a few documents that I have on her and her family, was from either "Farawastig" or "Faranastig" depending on the document. I do know, accoring to these documents, that it is somewhere in the Whitechurch  parish area. Other than these few, very old documents, I can't find a thing on either Faranastig or Farawastig. 

Is this a street? Has there been a name change and Farawastig.Faranstig no longer exists? Is it spelled entirely different? 

My great grandmother's name was Hanora Mulcahy, born in 1876. Her parents names were Michael Mulcahy and Mary Condon. I do have the name of some or all of Michael's siblings, his parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents on his father's side.



Monday 11th Feb 2013, 10:22PM

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