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I appreciate very much your help a few years ago in finding my great great grandfather Jeremiah's baptism record and his parent's names.

Jeremiah Shannon's baptism in June of 1814 at Dublin (RC) St Nicholas was shown on a page called Irish Genealogy, Explore Your Family's History.

Jeremiah's parents are shown there as Jacobi (or Jacobus) Shannon and Mariae Mogedon. 

Jeremiah and his parents appeared in Hopetown, Quebec, Canada a year or two after first-born Jeremiah's baptism, and his subsequent siblings were all born in Hopetown.

Canadian records list Jeremiah's parents as James Shannon and Mary Madegan.   What I am wondering is how Jacobi's name might have turned into James.  They don't sound like they would be, but are they the same name?

Monday 16th Apr 2018, 11:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Catholic registers often recorded name in Latin - Jacobus is the Latin for James, Maria is Mary. Names take different endings depending on context, hence the Jacobi. For a detailed list see this page


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 17th Apr 2018, 08:03AM
  • Thank you very much again and for helping me cross the Atlantic.


    Wednesday 18th Apr 2018, 02:18PM

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