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(Note: I tried to post this message in the Mayo message board but it is posting under Dublin instead.  I'm leaving it here as there is a possibility someone might read it and be able to offer information.)

I am looking for information on the CASSIDY family.  My gggrandmother Bridget CASSIDY was born in the early to mid-1850s.  Her younger siblings (James 1857; Ann 1859) were baptized at a Roman Catholic church in Charlestown.  The church was opened about 1857 so Bridget was not baptized there.

I have little information on Bridget's parents.  Her mother was either Helen or Ellen and her surname may have been LEONARD.  Bridget's father was Phillip Cassidy.  The family may have had a bakery.  

When Bridget was quite young, maybe early teens, the family, minus the father, moved to Dewsbury, England.  Supposedly they had family there.  Not sure what happened to Bridget's father, Phillip.  I have a death record for Ellen Cassidy, died 1877, Dewsbury, Batley, County of York.

Bridget married (John Tyrrell) in England and in 1886 they came to the United States settling in Philadelphia, Pennslvania, where their descendants still live. 

Any information or leads on this family would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Eileen Flynn



Eileen Flynn

Sunday 26th Aug 2012, 06:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Eileen,

    I've forwarded on your request to the group in Co Mayo. Hopefully they will be in touch soon.

    All the best.

    Genealogy support

    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 11:31AM
  • Hi Eileen,


    Bridget's mother is recorded as Ellen on one and Helen Leonard on another.

    John and Bridget were still alive 1940, 86 and 84 years old living with their son in law.





    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 12:03PM
  • The 1871 English Census shows an Ellen Cassidy (widow, aged 45 – house keeper) living at 68 Union Street, Batley, with her children Bridget (16 – weaver woollen), James (14 - mill hand), Annie (12 - scholar). A visitor was staying with them – Catherine Gavaghan (?) (17 – scholar). All five of them are shown as born in Ireland.

    The 1881 English Census shows a Bridget Cassidy (25 – worsted weaver, born Ireland) living in Batley. The head of the household is Catherine Mitchell (43, widow, born Ireland). Other people in the house are Catherine’s son Thomas Rush (24, coal miner, born Ireland), daughter-in-law Mary A Rush (22, woollen weaver, born Lancashire) and grand-daughter Mary J Rush (10 months, born Batley). Bridget is shown as a relative. [This Catherine Mitchell does not seem to be the Irish born Catherine Mitchell who was married to Irish born dry stone waller, Tom Mitchell, but the names of the children are very similar!]

    The 1881 English Census shows a James Cassidy (24 – woollen mill operative, born Ireland) living at 56 Gillcroft (?) Terrace, Batley.


    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 01:50PM
  • Thanks to Willie and Brendan for this info.  Here is what I know of the Cassidy family in Batley.  I have the 1871 Census where Bridget is living with her mother, Ellen, and her siblings James and Annie.  On 2 Jun 1873 Bridget Cassidy married John Tyrrell at St. Mary of the Angel's, Batley.  The witnesses were John Buckley and Mary Gallagher.  John and Bridget had a daughter, Ann about 1877, a son John about 1878 a son James about 1883 and a daughter Mary Eva about 1886.  In November 1886 John, Bridget, their children and John's half brother Wiliam Tyrrell arrived in the United States.  I have the passenger list.

    Bridget's brother James had come over previously but I don't know exactly when as I have not found him on any passenger list.  But here is what I think happened.  In the 1881 Census James is living alone; his mother, Ellen/Helen died in Nov 1877.  I have a copy of the Entry of Death.  James was the informant.  I suspect that shortly after that 1881 census was taken James decided to go to America.  

    The family story is that once John knew he had a job in the States he brought his family over.  John Tyrrell worked for Dobson Mill here as did James Cassidy. The families lived just a few streets apart.

    Frances Tyrrell (my mother's mother) was the youngest child of John and Bridget.  Frances Tyrrell married Edward Sullivan and  John and Bridget lived with them until their deaths in 1946 and 1947.  

    Ellen/Helen Leonard was married to Philip Cassidy and they lived in Charlestown, County Mayo.  I have information on the baptisms of Bridget's younger siblings at St. James but not Bridget as the church there opened in 1857.  So Bridget would have been baptized in another church.  I have no record as to when Philip and Helen/Ellen married but I suspect early 1850s.

    One day Philip "went out for a loaf of bread and never came back".  Ellen took the children to England because she had family there.  But I have no idea who that family was or what the real circumstances were.  Also supposedly the family were bakers and they had some kind of bakery business in Charlestown.  

    I know this is a lot of information, but I hope that someone may read this and have more information for me.  I presume there are some Cassidy and Tyrrell people in England and/or Ireland who are relatives and I hope to find them.  There is a Joseph Tyrrell who maried Mary (?) and had two daughters Margurite and Mary - they are in the 1891 Census in Batley.  Joseph was a brother of John Tyrrell.  Joseph, his wife and the younger daughter, Mary, are in the 1911 Census.  I also found a death record for a Joseph Tyrrell who died in 1911 that is probably him.

    Since I plan to make a trip to Ireland in about a year or so I would like to have as much information as possible before then.


    Eileen Flynn

    Eileen Flynn

    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 07:59PM
  • Thank you for forwarding that info to Mayo.  I added more information regarding the Cassidy family on the same message board in response to two individuals who replied to my original message.

    Eileen Flynn

    Monday 27th Aug 2012, 08:01PM

    Hi Eileen


    Found this in a book,


    ?Charlestown- Kilbeagh is the official name of the Parish and Kilbeagh the ecclesiastical.  The Survey letters has it as Cill-Beitheach or the Church of the Birches.

    Charlestown was the name applied when it was founded many years ago by Lord Dillon who named it after his agent Charles Strickland, one of the most eminent, tolerant and respected gentleman of his day, who was a Catholic, and with the late Mrs Anne Deane, Ballaghaderren, Helped to sustain the local Sisters of Charity during a trying period in their initial efforts?

    From Attractive Mayo Spots, by J F Quinn


    Cassidys in Kilbeagh in 1850?s (Note Dillon was the Landlord)


    Cassidys in Kilbeagh in 1901


    The Tithe Aploments (circa 1830?s) are due to come online soon, but most of the Landowners were the English Gentry at that stage. 



    Thanks so much to Dympna for passing on this information.


    Thursday 30th Aug 2012, 01:14PM
  •  I also am searching for Cassidys in Mayo.  Mine husband's ggf was Patrick 1852-1908 who settled in Cleveland Ohio around 1879.  He married Julia Hewitt in 1892.  We have no information on their parents or a townland..  Of the sisters Kate never married Beatirce m a Leverne   Ellen m Patrick Drury and Mary m James O'Donnell.

    I see from the Griffths Valuation provided by Cynoconnor above that  in Puntabeg there were 2 Cassidys 2 O'Donnells and and Drury.  It could be that  our Ellen and Mary married boys from their townland and parish.   How can I find out which Cassidy was the father of these 5 children? 

    I do have the names of  some of the 3 married sisters descendants  and all of Patrick's great grandchilren and if I can confirm their roots I will try to put them in contact with Ireland XO. 

    Eileen - we too are planning a trip to Ireland find our roots next June. 




    Wednesday 14th Nov 2012, 05:25PM

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