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I have got as far back as finding my great grandfather, Samuel Ard, born 1877 in Kilkeel and had two sisters and one brother . His parents were Henry Ard and Ann/Anne Colgan. I cant get any further than this and am drawing a blank on Henry Ard at every turn but there must be some info somewhere ?



Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 08:01AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Richard

    There is a record of the marriage of Henry ARDE and Ann Colgan in 1860 on

    It is in ARMAGH

    There is a cost to view the full record which will have the parish and MAYBE their parents' names.

    I couldn't find any record of the children's births in any county however.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 08:20AM
  • I can see a birth for Samuel registered in Kilkeel on 11th April 1877. Mother?s maiden name Colgan. Possible siblings:

    William 26th Dec 1866 in Newry (mothers maiden name Colgan)

    Robert 1st Sept 1868 in Kilkeel (mn Colgan)

    Hannah 15th Oct 1869 Kilkeel (Colgan)

    Sarah 11th April 1871 (Colgan)

    The townlands and father?s occupations on those certificates may help trace the family in the revision records. Do you have that information?

    There?s this man in the 1901 census:

    He died in Belfast on 4th April 1907, est year of birth 1841. The Henry in the census was born in Downpatrick 16.6.1875. Mother was Ann Colligan. Might just be a coincidence. Ann Ard died 12.1.1904. Also in the same grave is a Martha Beattie 19.5.1896 aged 32. All are buried in the City Cemetery.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 10:08AM
  • the possible siblings seem right apart from william who hasnt cropped up before. 

    i dont have any more info other than what i have already said im afraid, this is why i am drawing blanks...

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 01:49PM
  • i think that is the right arde and they have added an `E`....

    Ok thx


    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 01:51PM
  • Looking for family of James O'Kane son of Patrick O'Kane who married Bridget Doherty in R C Church Burt Co Doegal c 1860.

    Thursday 31st Jul 2014, 03:39PM
  • It?ll cost you ?2 a time to view the births on-line on the GRONI site. That will tell you whether they are the right parents (as well as where they were living etc) and whether William was also one of their children. If you were unaware of him then that could be because he died young.



    The spelling changed all the time in Ireland in the 1800s. No0one worried about a single ?correct? spelling and so don?t be put off by such variations. Expect the spelling to change, would be my advice.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 1st Aug 2014, 03:03PM
  • Thank you for that information

    Sunday 3rd Aug 2014, 10:55AM

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